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"Splendid work you guys!" the woman cheerfully said.

Flipping through each page looking, as she skim through at the score on the paper, with a smile on her face.

"A full score once again, you made me so proud!" scoping Emma's face as the girl giggles at the praise. She then turns her attention towards the three children, eyes on her as she looks at them, she held her gaze as she stared at Don, Gilda, and Hestia.

"Don, Gilda, Hestia.... your score has jumped as well. and Phil you too!" the young boy happily squealed. Isabella stared at the three children with a glint in her eyes, it gives the three shivers as she leaned toward them giving them a sort of hug. They feel her breath grazes their skin, it made them freeze in place as she whispers.

"Splendid indeed, keep it up you three!" Don and Gilda felt their heart sink as she spoke those words, it made their blood cold leaving them breathless as she left. Hestia could only grip her skirt to stop herself from shivering. She can sense Gilda was having a hard time keeping herself while Don only looked down. A face of worry and pity plastered on her face,

The blonde looks over to Emma who only stared at them in worry, she heavily signs grabbing the other two's attention.

"It's ok, we'll be fine," she said holding both of their hands, the other nodded.

"Yeah.." both said finally finding their voices.









"I hope those three are fine." the ginger said, Ray looked at her brows raised.

"How so?" the girl looked at him dumbfounded.

"Well, can't you see how shaken up they were? it looks like Gilda was about to faint!!" the boy hums at her concern, Emma was right about that when he took a glimpse at them he could feel how shaken up they were, it was like any moment they'll piss their pants from how Isabella approach them. But they have to deal with it since that woman won't be their only problem to face.

"I can't really blame them for that but they have to hold their shit together if they want to survive though." he waves his hand dismissively at the girl who gives him a look of annoyance.

"Can't you not be a jerk for once? cause that will be appreciated."

"I wasn't, besides it's the truth. whether they like it or not." he shrugged, and Emma rolls her eyes at him. She can't believe how much of a prick her friend is.

"C'mon Ray there's no need to be that harsh, you know?" both of them turn their head toward the voice, Norman waves as he approaches the two, a soft smile on his pale complexion .

'Well, it was your idea moron.' he scoff, glaring at the other boy. "yeah right."

"Anyways, about the ropes." the girl then mention. Ray immediately looks at Norman.

"Has any of you found out whose the source is yet?" the girl looked at him and Norman, the albino was in deep thought at that, hesitating.

Emma looked at them back and forth waiting for their response but she only sigh when she was left unanswered.

"Still nothing? oh well, we-"

"You mean the source? it's me." the girl snapped her head to look at him, her eyes wide and frozen. It was a funny expression to the ravenette as the girl was processing what he said, the other boy wasn't any better as well, Norman look surprised and stunned that his mouth was gaping.

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