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Gilda, Don, and Hestia retreated from the group, making their way down the hallway. In the enveloping silence, the blond then suddenly spoke.

"Don, I understand how much you wanted to take action of this matter, but we must approach this situation with caution," Hestia stated, her eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and concern.

Don, still fueled by frustration, nodded impatiently, "I get it, but we can't just stand by and wait. There has to be something we can do to help the others."

Hestia's gazed softened as she placed a reassuring hand on Don's shoulder. "Don, I understand your frustration, and I share your concern for the others. We'll find a way to help them, but we need to be strategic. Acting impulsively might do more harm than good."

Hestia continued, "Your eagerness is a strength, Don, but channel it into our collective effort. We're in this together, and we'll find a way to expose the truth and protect each other."

Don, though restlessness lingered in him, managed a hesitant nod. Hestia's gaze remained fixed on the boy, who, in an attempt to conceal his emotions, cast his eyes downward. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, carrying the weight of unspoken understanding.

The blond then give a last firm grip on his shoulder, "Well let's go for now, we still got work to do..." Eyes peircing through the boys skin.

The girl then turned her back on the two figures, purposefully striding away from the scene. Waving at them as her form disappear on sight.

As Hestia walked through the hallway, a veil of seriousness settled upon her face, transforming her expression into one of thoughtful contemplation. There's something within her guts that was unsettling.

It was a feeling that she knew far to well, something she had grown accustomed from her past.

Looking back at the path she had walked past, her gaze hardened. 'I have to calm myself, I'm overthinking things right now,' she whispered, trying to reassure herself. The words hung in the air like a delicate thread, barely tethering her resolve in the face of uncertainty.


After Hestia left, Don and Gilda remained quiet, the weight of unspoken thoughts hanging in the air between them. The silence became a palpable echo of the conversation that lingered, that is until the boy let out a groan of annoyance. Gilda worriedly glanced at her friend, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she sensed an underlying tension in the air.

Don's frustration lingered, but determination burned in his eyes, as he turned to Gilda who flinched by his sudden movement.

"Gilda, we can't just sit back and do nothing. We need to find a way into Mama's secret room, with or without Hestia's help!," Don asserted, his voice low but resolute.

Gilda, ever the voice of reason, replied, "Don, rushing into this without a solid plan is too risky. Just like Hestia and the others said, we need to be cautious, especially considering the trackers in our bodies. Hestia is right; impulsive actions could jeopardize us all."

Don, pacing with restless energy, countered, "I get it, ok! But waiting for the perfect plan might cost us more. We can't let Mama keep us in the dark. Conny and the others might be out there, and every second counts."

Gilda sighed, understanding the urgency in Don's words. "Okay, let's think this through. We need a way to get inside without mama noticing us, Hestia can't know about this plan; she'll try to stop us."

Gilda, thought heavily, her mind racing with ideas. "As for Mama's room, we need a distraction, something that pulls her away long enough for us to sneak in."

A SLAYER IN GRACE FIELD (TPN X KNY)Where stories live. Discover now