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Laurent POV

Papillon start to stir.

She on her back with her head turned away, faint red lines still cross her stomach. I touch her and she open her eyes.

"Mmmm good morning."

Morning Bébé. How you?

"I feel good. Well rested."

She sit up, take her bangle off and look around. I grab it and put on the nightstand.

You take it off so soon.

"We're not playing anymore right ... "

No, we not.

"Laurent why no windows, no clock, what time is it anyway?"

About ten, but time not matter in playroom.

"Oh, I see. Playroom huh, I figured this was your bedroom, I thought maybe like you and Larry split upstairs, downstairs ..."

Non. My room is upstairs, my brother have his side of the house and I have mine ... You would know that if you ever bother to come see.

"Stop tripping."

I not, I just want you to see where you be spending your time.

"Presumptive much ...."

You be here.

"I'm leaving next month."

That mean I have few weeks ...

She try to fight a smile, blush and look away.

Get dressed, we go out to breakfast.

"Um I can't, I have some errands today."

Errands? I still have you two more days.

"You were serious?"

Oui, why you think I lie?

"I don't know, I thought you were just ... talking ... I can't stay all weekend."

I never just talk, if I say it ... it true.

"I'll call you later."

Fine, I have Trois make you something before you leave.

"Unnecessary, she's your little sex slave, not mine."

She ... nevermind.

Papillon stretch and stand up.

"We're still good Laurent. Do you want to come over to my place tonight? I'll make dinner."

The more I look at her tattoo, the more I like it. The more I look at her unaltered body, the more I like it. When she bend over I see her piercing catch the light ... her dusky lips slightly open. I think she feel my stare.

She turn around.

"Did you hear me?"

Yeah. Dinner, I'll be over at six.


Papillon kiss me and go in the bathroom.

I still feel him on her, and I don't like it. Jacques ... she think about him last night. I throw it out of my head. He her past, but feel like he want back in.

I need make sure that never happen.

Papillon POV

I get home and run a bath. I really had no errands, I just needed to get away from Laurent. I can't get caught up with him now. I'm so close to escaping this place.

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