-chapter 3-

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"But I promise when the sky turns pink, I'll be back"

"But I promise when the sky turns pink, I'll be back"

"sky turns pink"

"I promise"

"I'll be back"

"Sky! pink! promise! back!"

"I'll be back..."

You wake up.

Just a dream.

The voice of Miguel went trough your head.

You stand up. As you look into the mirror you realise that you have fierce dark circles under your eyes. No wonder. You barely slept this night. After waiting in front of Miguels apartment with tears in your eyes you went back home at 2 am. Luckily your parents thought you were already sleeping.

"Shit, Robby!"

Suddenly, Robby comes into your mind. He wanted to hang out today. You take a shower, brush your teeth and change into your favourite outfit. 

"Good morning" your Dad says when you arrive in the kitchen.

"I haven't seen Miguel in a long time! Are you two in a fight?"

Nobody knows. Nobody knows but you. You haven't told anyone about Miguel.

"No Dad, we're good"

At school:

It's time for lunch and you enter the cafeteria. You don't really have friends at school except Miguel. But he isn't here. You look for Robby but you can't find him. Then you see two boys sitting at a table. They seem nice and you think you've seen them hanging out with Miguel before. 

"Hey, is it cool if I sit here?"

"Ooh, sorry, tables really blowing up right now. I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." the boy with short brown hair says.

"Uh okay?" you answer.

"You always say the same, Demitri... Hey, he was just kidding! Sit down" says the boy with very crazy hair. The hair is touped with wax and on the top dyed blue. You talk for a while till Demitri asks "wait... aren't you Miguels best friend?" You wince as you hear the name. "Yes, I am" "Why have we never gotten to know each other?" the other boy (calls himself Hawk) asks incredulously.

"Idk.. I guess it's just Miguel.. he doesn't hang out with you at school and when he did, I was on my own"

After that Sam walks straight to you. You already know her because she is Miguel's Ex Girlfriend. She seems nice.

"Hey" she said. "Can I sit with you guys? Oh hi y/n long time" she smiles.

  "Ooh, sorry, tables really blowing u-" Demitri starts but you all give him some annoyed glances so he stops. 

After eating y'all change numbers and head to your next period.

When school's out you wait in front of the building for Robby. Then you get a text from Demitri:


DEMITRI: y/n!!!!! was nice meeting you! 😁 I hope Miguel's good in Ecuador without you ;) I guess he misses your funny jokes!

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DEMITRI: y/n!!!!! was nice meeting you! 😁 I hope Miguel's good in Ecuador without you ;) I guess he misses your funny jokes!


Hey, uhm.. Ecuador??


Wait... HE DIDN'T TELL YOU? delivered


That is enough for you to realise that there's something that Miguel haven't told you. But why do they know? You're his best friend so why wouldn't he tell you? You start to cry. From rage you run to the trashcan and throw Miguel's jacket, which you have worn every day since he left, away. That felt good.

"y/n??" a familar voice says. You turn around. It's Robby. He sees you crying. "Hey... what's the matter?" You say nothing. You just hug Robby. He's suprised but he hugs you back. 

"What about ordering some food in a restaurant. I pay. And then you can tell me everything if you want to"

"ok" you say weakly. 

On the walk to the restaurant he takes your hand. You look at each other and smile.

Arrived at the restaurant you take a cozy seat in the corner. You order some coffee and a piece of cake, Robby orders the same.

"So... Do you want to tell me now?" he asks.

Then all of sudden Miguel's mother runs into the restaurant and screams 


You look around and get scared. She sees you and runs to your table. Robby is confused. 

She grabs your hand and pulls you out of the restaurant.

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