Chapter 13.

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Hey guys. This chapter is really short since I'm having to write it on my phone because my laptop charger is broke so when it's fixed I'll make this chapter longer and better. Thank you xo. Chapter 13. "Lucy, are you okay?" She asked worriedly. "No, I need a good friend to talk to" I sniffled. Tears began to rush down my face. Once Honey finished I decided to call Charlotte because it might have made me feel better knowing my best friend knew and she would make me feel better but now I'm on the phone I feel worse knowing I'm going to have to explain everything to her. This is going to be hard to tell over the phone. "Firstly calm down babe". I let out a deep breath and let her carry on with what she was saying "Tell me what happened and before you tell me who the main person involved is, let me guess who it is..." I was waiting for her to guess but she didn't say anything. "Go on then" I let out a little laugh. "Tyler". His name took the small smile off of my face and the way Char said it, like she could read my mind. Another tear left my eyes and ran down my tear marked face. "I went home and no-one was there so I decided to go to Tyler's to tell him I really like him since it needed to be let out. I was nearly at his andI was about to turn back and go home but no-one was in and I just had to tell him whether I was scared or not. Luckily, I didn't have to go in his hot packed jungle of a house since he was already outside talking to a few of his friends. When I saw him outside, I was so shocked he wasn't in his house getting hammered. I went over to him and asked if I could talk to him privately so he followed me to a part in the front yard where no-one was. I was about to tell him then he interrupted me by kissing me. I'm not kidding Char, it felt so good. I actually wanted it to last forever but obviously it didn't since his stupid friend interrupted us by shouting 'Tyler, what the hell are you doing?' Something like that and Tyler pulled away. I was so confused but then I saw who it was. The dumb guy told Tyler something that wasn't true. He said I kissed Erick on our date when I didn't; Erick leaned in to kiss me but I stopped him but the dumb guy didn't see it all but still went saying things that weren't even true. Tyler looked so hurt but I didn't get time to explain since Summer came out and called me a bitch. She purposely kissed Tyler on the cheek and walked him back into the party. The dumb guy turned back to me and gave such a dirty look. I ran out and started to cry and we t home, luckily my mom and dad were home because I wasn't willing to cry on my porch having people passing giving me weird looks". Finally I finished. I let out a sigh and clocked I never once said Drake, always the dumb guy. I felt a bit better after explaining what happened to my best friend. There were no longer warm tears falling down my face. Charlotte is such a good friend when it comes to explaining things, not that she's not a good friend, it's just that's what she specialises in, being a caring friend. "Gosh that was a lot. Well all I can say is just try and forget him. It will be hard but I know you can do it Lucy. Obviously he'd rather listen to the dumb guy other than the girl I'd say he loves" the way she said 'dumb guy' made me chuckle. Maybe it is a good idea to just try and forget him other than liking him and getting myself hurt. "Yeah, you're right and thank you so much. Anyways, lets stop talking about me, it's your turn to tell me about your day" I chuckled but I was sort of eager to know what she had done today. "Well, I stayed at home but I got a really surprising call-" she took a breath then carried on "Drake called me and um...asked me out" the last bit she squealed, my ear was hurting a little now. I forgot she liked him. "Oh, him. He's such a d*ck, I hate him. You could do so much better than him Char" "Are you joking, I could say the same to you but I'm a nice friend not a total bitch. Why would you could have at least kept it in and not have said anything". Why the hell did I say that, I'm such a bad friend, I knew she liked him so I shouldn't have said anything. "I'm so sorry Charlotte, it just came out. I don't mean it, it's just I'm angry at Drake since he was the dumb guy" I just realised, Char said Tyler would rather listen to the dumb guy which was his BEST FRIEND, obviously he would. I'm just Lucy, the girl who's pretty quiet and shy unless you are my best friends. "It's alright, I really can't stay mad at you. I need to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye". She cut off. I have a feeling she's mad at me. I'm so stupid, although I was mad at him I shouldn't have said ANYTHING. Great, I actually feel like a bitch now. I really hope I don't loose my best friend. My eyes started to fill up and the warm tears slowly prickled down my face. I grabbed my pillow from behind my head, rested my head on the hard back board of the bed and sobbed into it. I really didn't care if by the time I had finished crying my pillow was soaking and had makeup on it because all I could think about was loosing my best friend and the boy I loved. Oh no, I think I'm finally realising I love Tyler. This is the wrong time to be realising I love the boy that really hates me. This thought made me sob even more into my damp stained pillow. My life is ruined.

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