night time(20)

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Alucard/Vlad held the fork up and waited for her to take a bite.  Lana frowned, "that's a little too big prince, my mouth isn't that big."

"I wouldn't know, I haven't French kissed you yet.  Come to think of it, I haven't kissed you at all draga mea..." a wicked closed mouth smile slid across his face.  A twinkle of mischief was in his eye.

"Hmm...its A trick I see.  I suppose you will try chocolate if it's on my lips?"  Lana watched his reaction and got a small playful one.

"No but that is a good idea.  I could also include some licking if needed," Vlad winked at her.

"Ahh, I see the big bad wolf is sneaking out subtly.  Nice try prince," she responded with soft sigh.

"Well, you can't blame a man for trying.  I'm quite attracted to you...physically," Vlad smirked now.

The young doctor was proving to have a skill at playing coy and leaving the hook in your mouth.  She was coy but also not a liar.

"You can't win this discussion; I'm a criminal behaviorist so just stop while you're ahead and I'm not going to blush on this.  You want a reaction you, sly wolf," her head began to rest on the back of her left hand.

Vlad cut the bit smaller and then held it for her to eat.  "Still say licking it off is better..."

"I'm sure along with whipped cream and cherries on nipples."  Lana raised her chin just enough to the fork of food, and then accepted the bite.  Alucard didn't quite know what to think of that.  "Or honey dust applied lightly."

"Young lady, you are not making things easier on my lower anatomy," Vlad cut another bite and presented it to her. The good doctor had placed a diagnosis on his sexual behavior as Alucard.

"Well, let me eat this without your assistance and then maybe, I will think about letting you kiss me," she licked her lips lightly.

"Aah, now you're just being cruel," Vlad said with playful sigh.  How long had he planned to play this little game?

Lana took another bite and licked the fork before reloading the fork. She made look heavily sexual and suggestive of what her mouth could accomplish on a part of his body.  "Never thought, you would be tortured by a fork, did you?"

Vlad sat back in his chair and laughed hard.  "No, I hadn't, be it you to think of that."

"I told you, psychology 101 male thinking processes," her left hand reached for a glass of milk. She had always drunk cold milk with her cake, to wash the sweetness down.  A tiny drop escaped her mouth, so Lana took her index finger and wiped it of the corner of lips.

Liliana leaned forward now, a small amount of cleavage came into view and held the last tiny bite out for him.  "I warn you, really sweet tasting."

The Vampire King leaned towards the profiler and opened his mouth.  She placed the fork in, and he closed mouth.  Her fingers slide the fork out and then placed a kiss on his lips.  Vlad glared at her and chewed quickly.  This girl is a terrible and coy tease.  He hadn't needed to put much work in, even with Mina Murray.  Dr. Draghicescu seemed to be more of a challenge.

"That was very sneaky you.  I think we need to dance some more..."Vlad wiped his mouth with a linen napkin.

"Okay, I'll let you rub up against me for a bit," She smiled coyly.

"You are a naughty young lady.  I wouldn't talk, like this, around your coworker.  He might not think it's so playful..." Vlad decided dragging his more modern persona caller Alucard.

"It comes easy with you not so much with him. He makes me kinda nervous..."Liliana's showed concern and distrust.

Vlad stood up and offered his right hand.  Lana, in turn stood to take his hand.  A slow dance was started. 

"Here, this a teenage prom dance..." she whispered, feeling rather silly at the current moment.

"Prom?" Vlad looked confused.  Alucard realized things had changed quite in some ways.  There had always been dances and balls one attended.  It was annoying but also a good way to acquire Intel on known enemies that had attended too.

"Horny teenagers go out to dinner; girls buy ridiculous dresses and boys rent tuxedos.  They go to a dance for a couple hours and then have meaningless sex...end of story.  Some even mix alcohol which is illegal until twenty-one in the states."

"You have to be twenty-one to drink?" the vampire repeated.  His European upbringing and actual age were showing slightly.  The water was often bad and made you sick. Wine was drunk from an earlier age than now deemed a legal age.

"Yep, hence my first drink since eighteen here but you digress me.  Here let me show you..."she bowed her head slightly.

Lana placed his hands around the lower part of her waist and then grasped her hands around his neck, as she had heels to be tall enough.  She placed her face sideways on his chest and started a slow two step with their bodies pressed against other.

Vlad looked down and studied her expression.  She was relaxed and let a sigh of content.  "Why did you not go to this 'prom' dance?"

"I was eleven and bullied.  I have been bullied all my life, since my parents died, when I was five.  Adults loved me because I'm so intellect, but my peers, hate me and were jealous.  Hence, not a lot of firsts, so I get to learn the ropes with you Voivode," with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You know that title doesn't exist anymore, but I understand the usage.  You prefer it over prince..."Vlad smiled. 

Perhaps Liliana was like a reincarnation of his cousin?  She was unattached so that solved a lot of things versus his time with Mina.

"Opening the fortress to the shouts of our people, with the thought of entering only theirs, ours mingling with their soldiers, they entered and conquered the fortress. Which we immediately burned …” ~Vlad the Impaler

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