fear (18)

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Unholy King entered the manor and phased through the hospital wing, in the Manor.  The vampire stripped her boots and lace vest.  He unfastened the restraining straps and started to restrain her arms.  Then he tightened ones to her ankles.

"Jesus Christ Alucard!  Unstrap the doctor now!" yelled Sir Integra.

"Well, if I release her, then I will just have to get her out of the ventilation. She should be sedated too."

"Alucard what did you do?!" Sir Hellsing said with exasperation.

"She saw me go to pieces from holy rounds.  I only wanted to heal her gash on her leg.  She slashed my chest open; can you imagine my surprise..."

"Too bad she didn't take your head for a while!  I told you to return her to Hellsing, unharmed and you didn't!  You didn't need to terrorize her just because she did what came naturally to her!  I am going to punish you..." Sir Integra started a mantra of occult words.

Alucard snarled and went to his knees.  His head hurt then a blood tear went down his cheek.  The vampire waited for a command from his Master.

"From now on Seras will go with her, if she recovers from you.  You are forbidden to have any contact with the doctor from now on.  I am not removing the pain binding for twenty-four hours.  You really fucked up servant..." Sir Integra hissed.

"Yes of course Master," No Life King said with pain in his voice.

  He phased to his room and settled in his coffin due to the intense pain.  Walter had two blood packets in ice, but he was full of Vlada's blood.  Her blood was so sweet. Was it because she was a virgin or something more? 

There was fear, mixed with adrenaline, so that added to it. He craved, more of her blood but it would, do with what he had taken.  Once again, he went over what had happened to lead to this current situation.  Liliana was impressive in her fighting skills. Other women would have been scared and run off, but she stayed and risked her life for him, when she thought he was hurt.

Once again, he usually didn't care, what frail humans thought of him, but he did care, what Vlada thought.  He didn't want her, to fear him but she had, when he approached her.  His Master would make things worse, as he was shut in the basement.  He was like her tormentor from America, the hidden boogie man in the shadows. 

He would try to see her secretly.

He took his phone out to leave a text.  She would stress about not hearing from 'Vlad'.  The Vampire King figured Vlada would be drawn more to him as Vlad.  He thought that he had lost a battle but not the war. 

Now was the time, to 'court' the doctor, as a prince.

P.V.D. 'Draga mea , a client has me out of London.  I will keep in touch.  I promise you will get a first date when I get back.  - your prince'

The sun rose, for Alucard, to the sound of screams.  He heard people rushing and then yelling about 'no don't!' which then led to silence.  Vlada was sedated.  Even if he wanted more, of her blood, it would taste terrible from the drugs.  That was part of the reason he said to sedate her.  Even though Sir Integra had forbidden him to see her, he needed to see how she was doing.  He phased into her room to find her earbuds and phone.  She hadn't taken it with her.  The music was a peace offering of sorts.  The vampire entered the hospital wing and approached Vlada.

The profiler opened her eyes suddenly and then took a quick breath in.  Her eyes followed his movement but was silent.  She didn't want to provoke him.  He wasn't human so psychology went right out the window.

"I brought your phone and ear buds.  A shilling for your thought's profiler?"

Lana swallowed loudly, "Isn't telepathy one of your abilities?"

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