DL-6, State v. Fawles and More...

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After the happy discovery that his mentor was, in fact, alive, Raymond continued to visit the older man, daily, much to the displeasure of nurse Ded and Dr. Uption. However the threat of getting sued quickly ended any arguments the two might have had. It's been a week since then and Shields was now making his way to room 215 with a takeout bag in one hand and a small cardboard box in another. He entered the room to find Gregory in bed, as usual, drinking a cup of hot tea.

The older man smiled kindly before putting his tea on the nightstand and greeting him. In the past week, the curly haired man has been catching up the older defense attorney on what he missed. Mostly what Miles had been doing and the resolution of the IS-7.

"You know Ray, " said Gregory. " you only spoke about Miles the past week, and while I do appreciate it. I would love to know what you'd been doing all these years."

"Ah well...Mostly I took care of the law firm and took cases. Most of my clients have been guilty and I know that but I wanted to help them receive a less harsh verdict. Everyone deserves an attorney, even criminals."

"That's great! I'm happy to hear you grew up to be such an amazing lawyer."

The younger attorney dragged his hat over his eyes slightly embarrassed and emotional but very happy to receive such high praise. "Thank you sir."

Gregory smiled again before noticing the cardboard box and takeout bag. "Ah, well what do you have in there?"

"Oh well, you always complain about the hospital food tasting like sandpaper, so I bought you some chicken soup and fresh blueberries since I know they're your favourites."

"Thank you Ray." said the older man as he took the soup and started eating it. "And what about that box?"

Shields popped a blueberry in his mouth before answering. "Well, you told me how you wished you could have seen the trials Miles was part of so I went out and got a few tapes with his trials for us to watch. I have the DL-6, State v. Engarde and even his debut trial. Although fair warning, his debut trial was anything but pretty."

"That is fine, put them on I want to see."

The curly haired man chuckled as he pulled out State v. Fawles. "Alright, let's see." He goes to the small cubical tv and puts it on. The tv goes fuzzy before showing a familiar courtroom. The Judge is in his usual place, Miles was at the prosecution bench, wearing a suit that bears a strong resemblance to Manfred von Karma's. It has a red coat with black cuffs on the sleeves, and gold decals on the lapels, with a blue and gold waistcoat. On the defense was a woman that reminded Gregory of Misty, she wears a black skirt-suit, a tan scarf, and dons a purple magatama around her neck. 

"That's Mia Fey, a defense attorney and Ms. Fey's oldest daughter." said Raymond. The older man hummed in response and watched as his son gave the opening statement.


Ray wasn't joking when he said this trial wasn't a pretty one. Thought Gregory when he saw Terry Fawles commit suicide on stand. Throughout the trial, his son was ruthless and used quite questionable tactics in the trial. The similarities with von Karma made him hate the old prosecutor for what he did to his son. While Miles seemed to be winning for most of the trial, near the end Ms. Fey turned everything around. He watched as his son screamed at the judge to call a recess and bring forth a medic, as Fawles spit blood on the witness stand. As the defendant gave his dying breath, he saw his son's face harden. To anyone else it seemed uncaring, however he knew his son better. He was just as shaken by this as Ms. Fey. 

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