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The little group entered the prosecutor's office and found Franziska waiting for them in the lobby. Once she saw them, she rose from her seat to greet them. When she was close enough to Gregory she spread her arms in a dramatic manner to hug him.

"Gregory Edgeworth! As always, it is a pleasure to see you." said the german woman.

"The feeling is mutual, Franziska." responded Gregory.

After hugging the older man she stepped back and looked at Raymond in disgust. "And you're here too, Mr. Shields...wonderful."

"Now, now, Franny-pie...Don't be like that...Uncle Ray brought you clients."

"I don't need clients like you foolish defense attorneys. No offense Mr. Gregory."

"None taken."

"Does that mean you're not going to help us?" asked Clay skeptically.

"I didn't say that. It is my duty as prosecutor to bring justice, and as such, that is what I shall do!" She turned around and started walking towards the stairs. "However a lobby is not appropriate for such matters, we shall continue this in my office." They walked up the stairs for one floor before making their way to room 1001. The inside of the room was very elegant, with jade green drapes covering the windows, on the left side the wall was covered by a bookcase full of casefiles, the right side had two plush black velvet chairs with a black glass coffe table between them. Above them was a beautiful painting of 4 year old Franziska with her mother Adelheid. In front of the windows was a huge oak table with paperwork stacked nicely to the side and Franziska's laptop, behind it the old chair from the von Karma mansion. Near the window Gregory could see the sagisō plant that Maya and Pearl gifted her on her birthday.

"I didn't expect there to be so many of you, so some will have to make due with standing up." said Franziska. Gregory took one of the seats, while Clay and Apollo shared the other chair. Ray took a place on the armrest of Gregory's chair. Franziska stared in disgust at Ray's seat. "Or you can do that...you animal..."

"Rude." muttered Ray.

Franziska ignored him as she brought a tea set before putting some water to boil. "Scruffy is on his way from the precinct, so until he arrives here, I'll make us some tea. Are you alright with Earl Grey, Mr. Gregory, children?" All three of them nodded, so the german woman opened her fancy jar containing the dried tea.

"Actually, I would like a coffee." said Ray.

"I didn't ask you." said Franziska, but nevertheless opened a second jar containing coffee.

While waiting for their drinks, Franziska engaged in small talk with the small group. Apollo ended up talking Franziska and Gregory's ears off about being a lawyer, which they both found endearing. This prompted the german woman to ask if he wanted to be a lawyer when he was old enough and Apollo proclaimed he wanted to be a defense attorney like Phoenix Wright. Franziska cringed internally at his choice of role model but outwardly she wished him luck and that she looks forward to meeting him in the courtroom. 

By the time the beverages were done, detective Gumshoe entered the room. "Detective Dick Gumshoe, reporting for duty, sir!"

"Late as always, aren't you Scruffy?" said Franziska before pouring him a cup of tea aswell. "I had thought I was going to see Kay Faraday graduate from high school before you showed up!"

"Sorry, ma'am. Prosecutor Payne came in and wouldn't leave until I redirected him to another detective."

"Rubbish!" said Franziska, fiddling with her whip. "Next time Winston Payne decides to halt you from an investigation endorsed by a disciple of the house of von Karma, you tell him he shall meet his pathetic end by my whip! Are we clear?!"

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