Home is Where the Heart Is

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Two days later Gregory was released from the hospital and moved in with Miles and Phoenix. Dr. Uption was less than thrilled with this arrangement, however when the Demon Prosecutor himself comes demanding something from you, you kinda have to listen. As such, Gregory was staying in the backseat of Miles' fancy red sports car, looking out of the window as he talked to his son. They arrived at an apartment complex near People Park and after parking the car they took the stairs one floor. Once he opened the door, a fluffy white blur crashed into the prosecutor and tackled him to the ground. His son laughed as a dog started licking his cheek.

"Pess! Down girl!" exclaimed his son in between laughs. The dog excitedly got off of his owner before redirecting its attention to Gregory. The older man extended his hand and let the dog smell it before she licked it. Miles smiled softly as he got up. "This is Pess. I've had her for about 3 years."

"Well, nice to meet you, Pess." said the older defense attorney as he pet the dog's head. The two men entered the apartment and after Gregory put his reclaimed coat on the hanger, he walked into the living room. The apartment was pretty big, it had one bedroom and 4 guest rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a spacious living room. According to Phoenix it was because they frequently had guests over.

Once he entered the living room he started looking around curiously. There was a beige couch and 2 expandable armchairs, in the middle was a coffee table over a huge fluffy white rug. There was a huge tv with a very expensive looking audio system and 2 cabinets filled with movies. Next to them were shelves filled with photos, as well as a Steel Samurai statue. The older man walked towards the shelves and admired the photos. There was a photo of Phoenix and Miles on what he had to guess was a date, both were in casual clothes and behind them he could see the a huge statue with a samurai. Phoenix was kissing Miles' cheek while his son was blushing very hard as he faced the camera but avoided eye contact. There was a group photo that seems to have been taken in the courthouse, he recognized Phoenix, Larry and miss Maya, the girl holding a victory sign, while his son smirked down at her as a man in a green trench coat threw confetti. 

There was another photo of his son when he was younger with a silver-blue haired girl, who he had to assume was Franziska von Karma. The photo seemed to have been taken on the steps of the courthouse. There was another photo of his son and Ray as well as a photo of Miles, a raven haired girl with a key stuck in her ponytail and the man in the green trench coat from before. His son seemed to have not expected a photo to be taken. There were also a few photos of Phoenix with miss Maya and a small girl with light brown. As well as one with Wright and Mia Fey, the woman holding onto a plant for some reason.

But the photos that touched the older man the most were two old and slightly faded photos. One of them contained Phoenix, Larry and Miles, all smiling at the camera, his son holding their old dog Missile, as they proudly showed their Signal Samurai keychains. The other photo was with him and Miles, the two of them were at the defense bench, his son was standing on top of it due to his short stature. Gregory had an arm wrapped around his son's shoulders as the two of them were pointing at the prosecution bench in an objection pose. He remembers taking that photo with his son after winning a case. He's very happy his boy kept it.

Gregory also realized, with an odd sense of satisfaction, that there were no pictures of one Manfred von Karma. Hahaah- serves him right...

His son then showed him to one of the spare guest rooms, it had one twin sized bed, a nightstand, a light gray rug and a window with yellow curtains. Yesterday, Miles and Phoenix went into town and bought him a few spare clothes. All of the clothing articles were set neatly on a chair next to the window, he picked a navy sweater with and some black pants and changed into the more comfortable clothes. 

Around 6pm that day, Phoenix returned with miss Maya. The spiky haired man seemed to have coffee over his suit. When Miles had inquired about the stains his only answer was: "Have I ever told you, that you're the only sane person in the prosecutor's office? Because you are."

That was when Maya burst out laughing. "You should have seen it, Miles! The new prosecutor threw his cup of coffee at him! It was hilarious!"

Miles seemed amused, Gregory seemed a bit concerned. "It wasn't a hot cup of coffee, was it?" asked the older man.

Phoenix sighed "No, it wasn't thankfully." After a short explanation of what transpired in Wright's trial, the small family settled for dinner.


Next morning, Gregory woke up to a soft bed and the smell of breakfast. He looked around confused before remembering he was no longer admitted to the hospital. He carefully got out of bed and picked up his walking cane. While his physical therapy ended a while ago, 17 years of coma left permanent damage to his legs, as such he had a cane with him to help him walk when he gets tired. He walked to the kitchen and found his son making breakfast. He took a seat at the table and his son walked over and poured him a cup of coffee.

"Don't worry, it's decaf, Phoenix has cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat. He can't drink anything with caffeine. I know you prefer the taste of coffee over tea, so I thought you might appreciate it."

"Thank you Miles, I do appreciate it."

The father and son duo got drawn into conversation until Phoenix entered the kitchen. After eating breakfast, Phoenix and Miles started packing lunches. Phoenix made 2 while Miles made 3.

"He's packing lunches for these two kids that he totally doesn't see as his own." said Phoenix with a hint of sarcasm. "A girl and a boy. He's going to pick them up from their apartment and drop Kay, that's the girl, to school before driving Sebastian to the office since he's a prosecutor."

Gregory watched amused as his son struggled to say something. "That's not- I mean- Wright! I am simply driving them because their apartment is rather far and it isn't safe at this hour. Not because I think of them as my children!"

"Suuure, sure. And why are you making them lunch?"

"Do you have any idea how utterly lacking in essential nutrients school lunches are? Kay is better without that unhealthy school lunch plan. And Sebastian is too anxious to get food from the prosecutor's office cafeteria. Do you want him to starve, Phoenix? Our relationship is in no way parental. Is it so hard to believe I am only concerned for their health?"

Phoenix merely chuckled. "Yeah right! Back me up on this, Mr. Edgeworth. He totally sounds like a doting father doesn't he?"

The 2 men looked at Gregory awaiting his answer, the older man merely sipped on his coffee before answering. "I invoke my right to remain silent."

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