A Wild Clay Terran Appears

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Gregory was sitting in a chair at Edgeworth Law Offices, looking over the paperwork for Ray's newest trial. He was drinking mint tea with a side of lemon while listening to the radio. Ray just came back from the detention center with their written testimony of the defendant. He was seated at another desk, planning the last bits before the trial tomorrow. Next to him was an untouched cup of coffee.

"What do you think Mr. Edgeworth, think I can win this?" asked Ray.

"Well, while it is a rather hard trial, I'm sure you could pull this off. After all you're an excellent defense attorney." said Gregory.

Ray looked like he might tear up before answering softly. "Thank you sir."

They continued working in relative silence before a knock on the door interrupted them. Just as Raymond was getting up to let whoever was there in, the door burst open and two boys entered the room. They both looked to be about 14, the taller one had spiky black hair and black eyes, wore a blue t-shirt with GYAXA and black shorts. The shorter one had brown hair with his bangs spiked upwards and brown eyes, a black shirt and ripped jeans, he had bandages around his left wrist and a bruise on his left cheek.

The black haired one neared Ray's desk before dumping a jar full of coins on the desk and slapping it with both hands. "You're a lawyer right?" demanded the boy. Ray barely had time to answer before the boy continued. "Then here's the money, now I need you to defend my friend in court."

"I, uh...wha-"

"Defend him, or help him sue someone, whatever! Just take the money and help him!"

"Clay...It's fine-" said the shorter one.

Clay, apparently, did not agree with his friend because he turned around to face him and yelled: "NO IT'S NOT! They keep hurting you and I won't stand for it anymore!"

Gregory rose from his seat to try and defuse the situation. "Now, now, let's calm down. How about we start from the beginning. First, names. My name is Gregory Edgeworth and this is Raymond Shields. Who might you two be?"

Clay took a deep breath before he started explaining. "My name is Clay Terran, this is my best friend Apollo Justice."

"I see." said Edgeworth. "Well, nice to meet you boys. May I know why you require assistance?"

"My friend here." he pointed at Apollo. "Is getting abused by his foster parents and the social services aren't doing anything! It's not fair that they get to be so horrible to him with no repercussions! So I saved some money to get him a lawyer! Maybe...maybe I dunno, you could relocate him or something...or at least get rid of his foster parents..."

"Clay I told you, it's fine...I-...I can manage..." said Apollo.

The taller boy huffed. "Yeah right, just last week they threw a glass bottle at your head, what if it had hit you?!" He threw his hands in the air in frustration. "WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION! That's what!" 

"I see..." said Gregory with a hand under his chin. "Apollo was it? Do you mind telling us a bit about what happened, we might be able to help."

Apollo looked at his hands shyly before answering. "Ah well...I've been in the foster system for a while...normally foster parents don't keep me for long...they say I'm too loud...so I've been to a couple of different homes before...these folks seemed nice enough- and they are, usually they're super nice but-"

"But?" prompted Ray softly.

"But then the alcohol comes into the picture...and it's like everything changes...they- they just become so mean and say all these things to me. I...maybe there is something wrong with me..."

"Pollo no-" said Clay.

"Now, now, young man, you shouldn't say such things about yourself." said Gregory as he crouched in front of Apollo and put his hand on his shoulder. "You are in no way responsible for the actions of others."

Apollo started tearing up and wiped his eyes. Gregory gave him a handkerchief that he accepted gratefully. "T-thanks Mr. Edgeworth."

"It was nothing son...I have to ask though...Can I hug you?" and the shaky nod from Apollo was all he needed to wrap his arms around the boy.

After everyone calmed down, Ray started making preparations. "I have to admit, while I'd love to help, this is usually a job for prosecutors-"


"Didn't say that, hold your horses little man. While I can't do much, Uncle Ray has friends in high places. How would you feel to have prosecutor Franziska von Karma on your case?" said Ray while grinning.

"Who?" asked Clay confused.

"F-Franziska von Karma? From Phoenix Wright's cases?" asked a very excited Apollo. "She was considered to be unbeatable until she went against him!" Apollo turned around and grasped his friends shoulders. "Clay its Franziska von Karma, who went against Phoenix Wright! The Phoenix Wright!"

Gregory chuckled. "Well, it seems like you're a fan of Mr. Wright."

Apollo was about to answer but Clay beat him to the punch. "A fan is a little said...Pollo binge-watched all of his cases. I'd say he's a bit obsessed."

"CLAY! It's not like that...I just...really admire his work...that's all..." 

Ray snickered. "So you wanna be a defense attorney little man?"

"Yeah..." said Apollo shyly. "I plan to go to Ivy University when I'm old enough..."

"Well, I wish you good luck young Apollo." said Gregory.

"Thank you sir."

"Alright then, let's get this show on the road." said Ray clapping his hands. "Mr. Edgeworth, you call Franziska and I'll bring the car."

"Wait, where are we going?" asked Clay.

"To the prosecutor's office, of course. That's where Miss von Karma is, after all." 


Clay and Apollo looked with wide eyes at the grandiose building that was the prosecutor's office. Being here gave Apollo hope, like something was finally going to change.

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