Two Sweet Old Men in a Coffee Shop

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After taking lunch with Franziska and Miles that day, Gregory managed to convince the silver-blue haired woman to go back to her previous living quarters. As such, the mornings at the Edgeworth-Wright became even more lively. Now, every morning, the older man woke up to seeing the siblings already in the kitchen, bickering over the 'perfect breakfast'. Franziska had a love for french toast, he learned. Before Phoenix appeared from the bedroom, taking his share of breakfast. By the time they finish eating, Maya emerges from the bedroom and eats her share. Sometimes they are joined by Ray, sometimes its Kay and Sebastian, the latter getting a small scolding from Miles for not waiting for him to pick them up.

However today the kitchen is rather empty. Miles had to leave early today because Kay has early volley practice today and she's capitan, which means she has to get everything set up. Franziska left the house at around 5am to catch her early flight to Kiev. She's still pursuing the smuggling ring and they apparently have members even in Ukraine. Phoenix left with Maya to the train station, the young Fey having to return to Kurain. As such, Gregory is left alone in the house with only Pess to keep him company.

The dog was currently laying by the older man's feet as he drank his cup of decaf. As time went by, Pess became quite restless, as she walked around the house and kept on looking out the window. Gregory sighed as he downed his cup of coffee. He got up and changed into an outfit more appropriate for going outside and then grabbed Pess' leash.

"Come on Pess, I believe we stayed inside enough. Let's take you for a walk." The dog wagged its tail excitedly as Gregory connected the leash to its frilly collar. Because of course Miles would give Pess a cravat collar. The veteran defense attorney left the apartment building after locking the door and made his way to the park. The park was rather empty, the only people Gregory saw being dog owners themselves, and one weird old lady with a really really fat cat. Although that was expected since it was early December. Just yesterday, Dec 6, was Franziska's birthday. They ended up going to a rather fancy european themed restaurant to celebrate her.

Gregory however was snapped out of his thoughts when Pess started barking at another dog. He looked around and saw the source of her distress. A puppy, Saint-Bernard to be exact, was barking back at them rather ferociously. The tiny dog couldn't be more a few months old, judging by its size which was similar to that of a pomeranian. However the owner of the dog was what surprised the defense attorney. Holding the leash of the dog and looking back just as surprised was one Tyrell Badd. The defense attorney couldn't help but look down at the puppy, then at Badd, then at the puppy again, then at Badd again. 

Gregory cleared his throat before greeting the detective. "Detective, what a surprise to see you here."

"Yes well...someone had to take this guy out...for a walk."

"I didn't know you had a dog." said Gregory as he neared Badd. Once the two dogs got near each other they stopped barking and started smelling each other.

"Yes well...kinda had to...This is Biscuits...he belonged to my niece until a month ago..." detective Badd then took the lollipop out of his mouth. "She died of leukemia last month. My sister couldn't handle taking care of a dog in her grief for her daughter, so I decided to take him in. Can't say I regret it, he's half decent company back at my apartment."

"I see...I'm sorry for your loss detective."

"It's fine. Although I see you've gotten yourself a dog as well."

"Ah, no. Pess isn't mine. She's Miles dog, I'm only taking her for a walk."

"Mmm..." the detective popped the lollipop back in his mouth. "Well if your offer for coffee still stands...I know a pretty good cafe with a special area for dogs to play around."

"Oh, of course. Lead the way."

The two older men made their way out of the park and walked in comfortable silence until they reached the cafe. Le Petit Chien. It was a small puppy themed cafe with a rather big playpen for the dogs. They let Pess and Biscuits run free into the designated are before they took a table. The tables and chairs were all dog themed and the drinks had paw puns. Or should he say pawns? Well at least the detective found his joke funny.

Gregory settled for a decaf pawtte, while Badd took a 2 chocolate fudge triple caramel frawppe. That thing had to be diabetes inducing but he did not have the heart to tell that to the good detective. Their conversation was light, mostly discussing their latest events in their life. Badd had retired a few months ago and served them in prison after he was exposed as one third of the Yatagarasu. But was now mostly biding his time at home in his apartment, as well as coming to see Kay on her volleyball matches. To which Gregory added that he had been invited by Kay to see her next one against Themis Legal Academy.

Once 12pm neared the two older men had to part ways, since Gregory promised Ray he'd come see his trial at 2. As they exiting the cafe, Badd stopped Gregory.

"If you're not doing anything next week...maybe we could meet again?...I do believe I owned you lunch since Master's trial."

Gregory looked confused for a second before remembering. It was a little while after Badd had given him the recording of the forced confession, he met with the detective again in the courthouse. Badd had suggested that after the trial, the two of them go out for lunch. Gregory barely had time to accept before Miles was dragging him into the defendant's lobby. 

"Yes well. I do believe I made you wait for almost 18 years. It's a date, Detective Badd."

Badd flushed red before clearing his throat. "Sure, if you wanna call it that...And call me Tyrell."

Gregory chuckled warmly at his reaction. "Then I suppose it's only fair you call me Gregory."

The two older men parted ways and Gregory couldn't stop grinning until he reached the courthouse.

(A\N: So after finishing The Inherited Turnabout, I kinda started shipping Gregbadd. I just think their dynamic is really fun.)

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