European Dad Jokes

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It was 3 days after New Year's Eve when Gregory found himself waking up at the ungodly hour of 4am. He and Miles were finally leaving for Germany. Today was the latest they could leave Japanifornia and make it on time for Miles' case on January 8. Originally the prosecutor wanted to leave earlier, however both Phoenix and Gregory convinced him to stay here for the holidays. And it was certainly worth it, seeing as this had to be the one of the best Christmases Gregory ever had. Ray, Kay and Sebastian have come over to celebrate, as well as Maya and Pearl. Unfortunately Franziska could not join them as she was stuck in Ukraine, chasing the remains of the smuggling ring. But she did send them a small box with traditional desserts with a note "For Gregory Edgeworth and Gregory Edgeworth only.". 

December 28 passed by and was completely ignored by the family. No sense in giving extra attention to such a grim day.

They all had a fun night as they watched bad christmas movies and exchanged gifts. Gregory's favourite gift was the one he received from Kay. A dark purple sweater that said "I gave Manfred von Karma his only penalty. What the hell did you do?" A gag gift, but one he adored. New Year's Eve was spent with Maya, Pearl, Miles and Phoenix in Kurain. Kurain Village held a festival every year and the two Fey cousins invited them to participate. They spent the night going around stalls, watching street performances and listening to Pearl explain each tradition. Gregory had ended up letting Pearl ride on his shoulders. After this they ended up going on one of the hills and watched the fireworks.

But back to the present, Gregory was currently standing in the kitchen, nursing his cup of decaf and wishing he was allowed an espresso. Phoenix was on the opposite side of the table, snoozing in his cereal bowl, while Miles was happily making breakfast for himself and his father. His son was completely awake, humming to the Steel Samurai theme, looking all prim and proper. The only indication that he had been asleep being his slightly rumpled pink satin pajamas. How? He did not know. Must be the grace of being an early bird. Something that night owls Phoenix Wright and Gregory Edgeworth could not comprehend.

Eventually they managed to eat breakfast, get dressed and leave the house by 5:30am. They called a cab since Miles was leaving his car here and Phoenix did not know how to drive. The ride to the airport was quick and Gregory could barely remember a thing from it. Once they arrived, the three of them walked towards the escalator with only 2 suitcases trailing behind them. Gregory gave Phoenix a one armed hug before going down the escalator to give him and Miles some privacy.

Phoenix watched as the older man went down the escalator before crushing Miles into a hug. The prosecutor returned the hug just as fiercely as he buried his head in Phoenix's shoulder.

"I'll miss you..." said Phoenix.

"I know...I'll miss you too. But it's only until march, I'll be back before you know it." said Miles.

"Your father is coming back near the end of february to take the bar exam, couldn't you also...?"


"I know, I know you've got work, I was kidding. Just be careful, ok?"

"Hmph. I should be saying that to you, Wright. After all, you're the one that keeps getting in trouble."

"Hey it's not like I do it on purpose. I'll be careful ok? Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Fall off a burning bridge?"

"Don't jinx it, with your luck it might just happen-"

They're little moment was interrupted by the intercom announcing the plane.

"Looks like its time..."

"Yeah...Look Miles when I said take care of yourself, I meant it. Don't overwork yourself, make sure to regularly eat your meals. I know you tend to skip them in favour of investigating. Call me when you land and- mmmph."

Miles shut him up with a kiss, that Phoenix just melted into. "Don't worry I promise I'll take care of myself, ok? Now, I really need to go, so I'll see you soon."

"Yeah...go get em babe!" They hugged one last time before Miles went down the escalator to join his father.


At 7am the plane left Hope Springs Airport. They were flying business and will arrive in Berlin at around 4am. Gregory had the window seat so he was watching the clouds in sky, his son was next to him, already comfortable as he pulled out his work laptop. The older defense attorney looked at him as he opened his case files sent via email. 

"So, what is this case about?" asked Gregory.

Miles jumped a bit at the question, clearly being snapped out of focus before he started explaining. "The case is about an international assassin from Belgium. Her name is Agathe Zepower. She specializes in taking down important political figures. She committed crimes in 14 european countries, the biggest offence being the assassination of the Romanian vice-president. She was caught in Hamburg after a failed assassination of the mayor."

"I see...This seems a pretty open and shut case then..."

"I wish. We also need to put her clients on trial and she refused to give any information. Right now we can only hope to drag that info out of her in court. The only names we have managed to get are the ones of clients that are already dead. Can't put a corpse on trial."

"Hmm...This seems to be a pretty hard case son."

"Not really, while trying to get that info out of her will be hard, in the end there is too much evidence against her. Not even Phoenix would be able to help her, not that he'd ever take her case..."

"Well I must admit, I am quite exicted to see you in court, Miles. Or...I suppose we should call you Kilometers now that we're going to Germany."

"Kilo-?" Miles snorted as he realized the joke before he sighed and gave his father an unimpressed look. "That was a terrible joke father."

"Ah, but it made you laugh. I'm counting that as win."

"Whatever you say father..."

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