Poisonous Flowers

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"B-but how can that be?" asked the Judge.

"Miss Hawthorne had a sister, a twin to be exact. That twin is Sister Iris." said Wright.

"But I had thought that miss Hawthorne had been executed in January of this year..." said the Judge.

"So?" asked Godot defiantly. "Death has no meaning in this courtroom!"

The courtroom blew up all over again. "Order! Order!" yelled the judge. "I will have order!"

"H-hold on a second-...H-how can you...My sister- I already lost her-...How can you-" stammered 'Iris'.

"You of all people should know...after all, you are Morgan Fey's daughter." said Wright.

Phoenix explained to the court how Dahlia has been channeled and is currently inhabiting the body of a spirit medium. Wright told the court about Morgan's plan to have Pearl channel Hawthorne, saying that this explained how Iris could have been seen at two different places at the same time. Godot said that the Iris at the witness stand was the real Iris, as she had been kept under watch since her arrest, but Wright said there was a small pocket of time when she could have switched places. The previous day an earthquake had struck and Edgeworth had been incapacitated for a short period of time, giving Iris an opportunity to escape.

"That's enough Mr. Wright. No judge in their right mind would consider the idea of spirit channeling and-" a maniacal chuckle interrupted the judge from his rambling.

"Oh be quiet...It's been a while, Mr. Judge." said Dahlia.

"Th-that voice!" exclaimed the judge.

"It's been a long while...Dolly." said Phoenix in a somber tone.

"Feenie..." she scowled.

"Guess I'll have to ask again." said Godot. "...Upon meeting a beautiful lady, always ask for her name and profession."

Dahlia brushed a hair strand nonchalantly. "Dahlia Arsenia Hawthorne. As for my profession...permanently retired."

"Dahlia Hawthorne, huh?" said Godot. "So...It would seem you're done trying to hide your identity."

"Yeah well~" said Dahlia cheerly. "I'm dead. So what's the point. It barely matters. I was executed, so it's not like I can be punished any harder right? Tell me Feenie~ Did you enjoy watching my execution? Seeing my dead body with a head that didn't quite sit properly on its neck get lowered from the noose? I know you were there with that annoying brat Maya Fey. You were staring me dead in the eye the whole time. Did you like it?"

"Objection!" yelled a slightly shaken Phoenix. "That is...irrelevant to the case."

"How can this be possible?!" asked the judge.

"These instructions detail Morgan Fey's plan that night. Tell me, did you have prior knowledge of this?" said Phoenix.

Dahlia had the audacity to look smug about it. "I did. Although I can't take all the credit for such a nutcase plan. Even though I was on death row at the time, I was still allowed to visit with my mother every now and then. She told me of her plot during one of those visits."

"And what was she planning exactly?" asked the judge.

"She wanted to murder Maya Fey." answered Dahlia. "The idea was that I would kill her, and then Iris would be the one to hanged for it. Things didn't go exactly as we wanted, but it all worked out."

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