Searching For The Bitter Truth

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After making sure Maya was going to be ok, Mia and Phoenix returned to the courtroom. The real Sister Iris was also escorted to courthouse by Franziska and Kay. The judge was about to announce his verdict when Godot objected. He claimed that while they had proven that Maya was not the one who killed Elise Deauxnim, they had not yet deduced the identity of the real killer, meaning Iris remained the prime suspect. 

"If that's so, I'm afraid that the court isn't ready for any further deliberations." said the judge.

"The prosecution issues it's final summons. And this one will bring the truth to light. Who really murdered Misty Fey. " said Godot.

Mia looked at Godot with an unreadable expression. "You really want to do this, mr. prosecutor?"

Godot smirked at her. "But of course, madame attorney. I'm positive."

"Very well then, who is this witness you're talking about, prosecutor Godot?" asked the judge.

"Well obviously, it's the only other person that was there that night. I'm talking about Maya Fey."

"What? Have you lost your mind?" exclaimed Phoenix. "You can't put her on the stand after all she's been through."

"We need to find the truth." said Godot firmly. "Listen Trite, I'm just gonna get this out there, ok? Personally I don't have a very high opinion of you. Your methods are sloppy, you squeak by without understanding even the most obvious thing in the case. You bluff your way through most cases and win by sheer luck. And when that fails, some beautiful woman comes in to rescue you. You don't have the right to call yourself a defense attorney, especially one that apprenticed under Mia Fey. If you want my respect, you'll have to do this all by yourself. Find out who killed Misty Fey and let this woman rest."


After the judge announced a 15 minute recess, Phoenix met with Iris in the defendant's lobby. Wright questioned Iris why she helped her sister and the nun told him that she felt sorry for her sister, who had been abandoned by their mother and neglected by their father. Phoenix also asked Iris what happened that night and she told him that after she rang the bell, she got a phone call around 10:30pm. She was asked to come to the Inner Temple. Iris got into the snowmobile right away, but she couldn't reach the Inner Temple since Dusky Bridge had burned down. She had been told to receive Elise's body on top of the gorge. After the corpse reached her side of the bridge, she staged the murder in the courtyard. Phoenix asked Iris who called her about the body, but Iris refused to tell him. Phoenix wanted to ask her why, but Iris had been summoned to the judge's chambers.

After that, Mia showed up with updates on Maya. She told Wright that she'll make a full recovery, but will probably need assistance to walk to the witness stand. Phoenix made a mental note to ask Kay to help Maya get to the courtroom after he talks to Mia.

"Has...has anyone told her about Elise?" asked Phoenix.

"I did. I told her everything I knew about what happened. She's always been extremely strong. Far stronger than me, I know she'll pull through." said Mia.

The two of them discussed the case and reevaluated what they knew. Phoenix said he had an idea who it might be, but he needed Maya to confirm it.

"My time is almost up. I know you can do it Phoenix. I already taught you all that I could. I leave the rest up to you."

"Thank you chief. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." said Mia. Her expression suddenly became playful. "And now that you mastered the art of a defense attorney, I can finally focus on my recovery."

"Chief! Don't tell me that all that channeling-"

"I'm just messing with you Phoenix. The channelling did not affect my progress, don't worry."

Phoenix was about to say something but a bailiff announced the end of the recess.

"Good luck rookie~"

"Thanks chief, I hope the next time I see you, its in your own body."

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