Dear Miles, What to Say to You?

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In all honesty Phoenix didn't know what to expect from a phone call as sketchy as that. He hadn't met Raymond Shields, so he didn't know how the man was like. Nevertheless, he was following close behind Miles as they walked down the hospital corridor. Once they arrived at room 125 his fiancé knocked on the door and entered the hospital room. Miles froze in the entryway. This action set alarm bells ringing in Phoenix's head, especially since he couldn't see what was inside due to the prosecutor blocking the view. What could possibly shake Miles so badly.

"Miles, what's wrong- MILES!" exclaimed the defense attorney as his partner crumpled to the ground, like a puppet whose strings have been cut. Phoenix wrapped his arms around the prosecutor in order to catch him and lower him to the ground slowly. Wright took his eyes off of his lover in order to look at the occupants of the room and find out what provoked such a reaction from him. And boy did he find it. Standing in the hospital was the one and only Gregory Edgeworth, concerned look on his face and hand outstretched towards his son.

Phoenix, very eloquently, put his thoughts into one sentence. "What the f-"

"F-father?" asked a very distraught Miles Edgeworth. By now the veteran defense attorney got himself out the bed and kneeled in front of his son, tears in the corners of his eyes. Phoenix slowly let go of Miles in order to allow him inch closer to his father. The prosecutor looked confused at his father before he also started tearing up and took the chance to hug him, when Gregory opened his arms wide.

Phoenix smiled at the reunion between the father and son before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see an older man with curly hair, who he can only assume was Mr. Shields, grinning down at him, hand extended to help him up. 

"Let's give those two some privacy, eh?" said Raymond. Wright nodded at him before getting up and walking into the hallway. The door closed with a click and Phoenix leaned his back on the wall opposite of Mr. Shields.

"Oh, and nice to finally meet you, "that man"."

"Excuse me?"


Miles couldn't believe it. He was hugging his father. His very much alive father. How was this possible? By all means it should not make sense. He saw him in the elevator, bloody chest and pale skin. He read his autopsy report, when Manfred von Karma forced him to. He went to his funeral. Yes it was not with an open casket, but still. It should not be possible. So how? The prosecutor leaned back from the embrace to take a good look at his father. He saw no signs that indicated this was a changeling, no magatama, no traditional Kurain channeling robes, nothing. This could only mean it was the real deal. His father, was alive.

"Father, I- How is this possible. You're alive, I don't..." 

Gregory smiled warmly before petting his son's hair. "I understand it's confusing and I promise I'll explain everything, but first. Help me up, I want take a good look at you son."

The prosecutor nodded slightly embarrassed before getting up and helping his father get back into the hospital bed. He did an awkward twirl before taking a seat at the edge of the bed, his father immediately reached out and took his hand. He was smiling.

"You look wonderful son. Ray has been telling me wonderful things about you. You've grown to be such an amazing man."

Miles seemed shocked before he looked to the side with a slightly defeated expression. "I- You... You shouldn't say that, you have no idea what things I've done. The sins I've committed."

The older man merely shaked his head. "Yes you have done some bad things in the past, however you learned from your mistakes and improved. You're trying to become a better man. I'm proud of you son."

The floodgates opened yet again as Miles Edgeworth started crying. His father wrapped his arms around him and they stood like that for a good 10 minutes. Gregory was the first to break the embrace as he pulled back and wiped a tear from his son's cheek.

"Now, I believe I promised an explanation didn't I?" 

"Yes, I believe so..."

"Well, as I'm sure you know, 17 years ago Manfred von Karma shot me inside the elevator courthouse. By some miracle I survived and have been in a coma ever since. I woke up a little over 6 months ago and have tried to contact you ever since. However the nurses and my doctor wouldn't let me. I barely managed to contact Ray a week ago when I partially regained my ability to walk and made my way to the payphone in the lobby. My guess is that von Karma paid the doctors to keep quiet. Most likely so he could manipulate you by lying about my supposed death."

"I...I see." Miles sighed. "While I am not thrilled that I was lied to...I am greatly relieved to hear that you survived. I missed you father."

"I missed you too son. Though I do wonder how Misty was able to channel me, even though I was alive."

"Well, I believe we can find that out." Miles looked at the door and called out to his fiancé, who immediately burst through the door, fifty shades of concern painted on his face. "Calm down, nothing bad has happened."

"Hello Phoenix." said Gregory.

"Mr. Edgeworth..." said Phoenix. "It's good to see you again."

"The feeling is mutual. Although I do have a question that Miles said you might be able to answer. Do you know how it was possible for me to be channeled, despite being alive?""  

"Oh!" Phoenix then looked at his fiancé with an unimpressed look. "Really? You know that coma patients are able to be channeled."

"Ah, of course, how could I forget?" said Miles, a smirk playing at his lips. "Ms. Fey is always being channeled and saving you during trials, my bad."

"Did you just call me here to make fun of me?"


"You're the worst."

Gregory smiled faintly as he watched his son bicker with his lover. He couldn't be happier to be reunited with them.

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