The Edgeworth Genes Are a Curse And a Blessing

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The trio entered the temple. Inside the Main Hall they found the head nun of Hazakura Temple, Sister Bikini. She seemed to be quite sad, as she was standing on one of the meditation mats. The first thing that attracted her attention was Pess. The head nun kneeled in front of the dog while petting her and speaking in a silly voice. Once she noticed them, she quickly got up to greet them. 

"Oh! Hello. I am sister Bikini, the head nun. Who might this handsome fellow be?"

"Me?" asked Miles.

"Ah, no not you young one, although you're also welcome to introduce yourself. I meant the gentleman with the hat."

"Ah...uh. Edgeworth. Gregory." he awkwardly cleared his throat. "I am assisting the defense for this case. This is my son Miles Edgeworth, the leading defense attorney."

"We would like to ask you a few things regarding the night of the crime." said Miles.

Her testimony was quite solid. She left at 9pm to take Maya to the Inner Temple for training but had to return because of back pain. On the way back she asked Iris to switch with her and supervise Maya after she rings the temple's lights out bell at 10 pm. At around 11pm she saw Iris stabbing Deauxnim with the Shichishito in the temple courtyard. Gumshoe also made a completely unnecessary comment about Wright getting stabbed in the courthouse, which earned him a terrifying, bone-chilling glare from Miles. 

Unfortunately they were unable to find any new information about Pearl's whereabouts. However, Pess had sniffed around and discovered a letter. The letter was addressed to Iris, telling her to be at Heavenly Hall at 10 pm, or else her secret would be exposed. With this they left to the Detention Center to question Iris about it. Although on the way there, Miles couldn't help himself but tease his father.

"...So, you and sister Bikini-"

"If you say anything else on this topic, I'm going to ground you until your wedding day."


"Sister Iris, I'm afraid I need to ask you a few more questions. Please answer them truthfully." said Miles.

"B-but, I already told you everything that I know..." said Iris.

"Miss Iris..." said Gregory in a warm tone. "Please remember we are here to help you. You can tell us anything."

"Y-yes I suppose you are right...Please, ask away."

They told Iris about the note and she teared up. They pressed her until she revealed that the note was the reason she was "frightened" and the first 'psycholock' broke. She claimed that she thought the note was just a prank, as there was no one to tell it to that would cause her harm. However they were able to get her to admit that the reason she didn't want her secret revealed was Wright.

After this they made their way to Heavenly Hall in hopes of finding clues about this mystery blackmailer. Instead they found Larry. They secretly listened to him talk to himself about blowing away his chance with a girl, but before they could hear more, the detective shouted objection. Once the jig was up, they decided to ask Larry about the run down shack. Apparently it was a place where Larry came to sketch.

"Oh! Edgy! You gotta tell me! How is my darling Iris?-"

"Darling?" whispered Gregory.

"- Is she fine? Are those dirty rats at the Detention Center treating her well? She's innocent you know! Innocent I tell ya! So you gotta prove her innocence! Ya hear me!" exclaimed Larry.

"First of all, I did not need you to tell me, I was already going to do that Larry-"

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Nicky already asked you and that you're a simp."

"-Second of all, why do you believe she's innocent anyway Larry? Because she's pretty?" said Miles before he murmured "sounds to me like you're the simp."

Gregory cleared his throat before a fight could break out between the two childhood friends. "Larry, could you please tell me where you were and what you were doing the night of the crime?"

"Oh, sure thing Mr. E! Anyway so last night I saw this amazing thing, it was incredible! It started thundering real bad. Then ZAP! Bridge was on fire."

"And where were you when it happened?" asked Miles.

"My room near the Main Hall, duh. Where else could I be?"

"That's a lie Larry. It's impossible to see the bridge from the Main Hall." said Gregory.

"Tell us the truth Larry, where were you." said Miles.

"Sheesh! You're both so terrifying when you work together. Good thing you're not on the same side of the courtroom, or those poor defendants would have been fried." said Larry.

The two Edgeworths deduced that Larry was here on the night of the crime, and after more pressing, discovered that he was waiting for Sister Iris. He had sent her what was originally supposed to be a love letter but ended up looking like a blackmail letter. The "secret" he had threatened to expose was the "love" between him and Iris that was all in his head. Larry also mentioned seeing "this amazing thing" on that night but unfortunately they were unable to drag out the truth, as five more 'psycholocks' appeared. In the end they gave up and decided to press him more in court.

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