Miles Calls BS

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"I believe this time it's finally over. Hopefully..." said the Judge. "Although the defendant wasn't directly involved in the murder, tampering with the evidence is a serious offense. Mr. Armando explained everything to me."

"I understand your honor. I knew the risks when I choose to cooperate." said Iris.

"Very well, before I hand down the verdict, is there anything you'd like to say?"

"As a matter of fact there is one thing, and it's to Mr. Wright. It's not easy...But I hope you can forgive me someday."

"Forgive you?" said Wright.

"Yes...Six years ago when my twin sister, Dahlia tried to kill you..."

"Iris, it's alright. You're not responsible for your sister's actions...It's not your fault she lied all this time-"

"But that's not the thing...she wasn't the only one playing a game..."

"What do you mean?"

"In reality the two of you barely knew each other. You and Dahlia...Actually only met twice in your whole lifetime, thrice if we count today. The first time was here at the courthouse, when she gave you that necklace. The second time was when poor Doug was murdered."  Iris closed her eyes and put her hand on her chest. "Apart from those two time you never interacted with her."

"Then that means..." said Godot.

Iris nodded. "Mhm. Ever since she gave you that bottle that day, her main goal was to get it back, no matter the cost. She considered you to be a huge threat so you had to go...I-I couldn't bear the thought of her committing more sins... I begged her not to do it! And she gave me a chance- I...I promised her I would get the necklace back from you...But I couldn't. You were so happy about the gift and the love you thought it symbolized...This went on for six months but I was unable to get it back...In the end she ran out of patience and decided to deal with you herself...She- she didn't even care that I loved you."

A small "Bullshit." was heard in the gallery that sounded suspiciously much like Miles, but Phoenix ignored it in order to focus on Iris and her story.

Iris was crying as she looked at Phoenix. "I'm sorry...I let you down...I couldn't stop my sister and you could have ended dead because of me...I lied...All I ever did was lie and deceive you..."

"Iris..."said Phoenix. "Thank you...The kindness you showed me was real. Even if things didn't go how you wanted, it all worked out in the end. After all, if it wasn't for you and your sister, I might have never met Mia, and then I wouldn't be wearing this engagement ring..." He lifted his hand to show his ring, the two gemstones gleaming in the light of the courtroom. "So thank you...For everything."

"I'm happy for you...Feenie."

After this the judge finally gave the verdict and court was adjourned. As everyone went away, Iris asked the bailiff to let her talk to Miles. She found him while he was making his way to the defendant's lobby with his father. She softly tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to look at her.

"Sister Iris...May I help you with something?" asked Miles.

"I...I know it might not mean much coming from me but...I just wanted to tell you that you have my blessing Mr. Edgeworth." Then she bowed in front of him. "Please make Phoenix happy."

Miles looked at the tiny woman in front of him and sighed. "Of course, I'll do my very best to make him happy. And thank you, for your blessing."

Iris rose to look at him with teary eyes. "Good luck, Mr. Edgeworth. I hope one day you can forgive me as well." Iris scurried away before Miles could say anything.

After that, Miles left to the defendant's lobby. Inside he found Phoenix on one of the couches. His eyes were closed as he leaned his back against the backrest with a tired expression.

"Hey...How are you feeling?" asked Miles.

"Miles...Hi." said Phoenix.

"Hi...Are you ok?"

"To be honest...No. I just found out that my crazy ex-girlfriend was actually not my crazy ex-girlfriend but also at the same time was... Everything is a mess..."


"You're not gonna reveal to me that you were actually Shi-Long Lang in disguise all of this time, are you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course not." Miles took a seat next to Phoenix and let the spiky haired man rest his head on his shoulder. "Can I do anything to help?"

"Just hold me and tell me you'll never leave..."

Miles chuckled. "Well I can certainly do that..." And then he pulled his fiancé in a hug.


"Also, why the hell Shi-Long Lang?" asked Miles.

"I dunno he's kinda hot..."

Miles sputtered. "Wh- Phoenix that's my coworker! You can't say things like that!"

"So? He still looks good. But don't you worry, the only person I wanna see naked is you-"

"Wright, do shut up."

Phoenix smiled and then kissed him on the cheek.

"It's because of the boob window isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's because of the boob window."



A few minutes later Gregory entered the defendant's lobby with Maya, Pearl, Franziska and Kay. Phoenix immediately ran to hug Maya. 

"Maya, you're ok! I'm so happy!" said Phoenix

"Nick, air! I need- air-" said Maya.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just really glad to see you."

"Excellent work Phoenix, good job." said Gregory.

"Thank you Gregory, I couldn't have done it without your and Miles' help." said Phoenix. "And you too, Franziska."

"Hmph. I did it because Mr. Gregory asked me to, nothing more, you buffoon. But don't expect me to allow this kind of foolishness again, Phoenix Wright! Are we clear?" said Franziska.

"Crystal." said Phoenix.

"Let's face it though, you only won because of my skills as an artist!" said Larry.

"And I helped out too!" said Gumshoe.

"I think Kay helped out the most since she was the one who removed the locks!" said Pearl.

"Well said Pearly!" said Kay as she lifted the little girl up. "And as the most productive member of this team I demand we get swiss rolls to celebrate!"

"And we make Nick pay for them cuz he won the case!" said Maya.

"Wait, what? No-" sputtered Phoenix.

"To the vending machine!" said Gumshoe.

Phoenix looked at the hungry group of teenagers + Gumshoe run towards the vending machine and yelled: "Objection!"

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