The Gospel Truth

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The court reconvened and the judge announced that the results of the blood test made on the two weapons has arrived. The results indicated that the murder weapon was the sword hidden inside the staff. Unfortunately they were unable to confirm whose blood it was on the dagger. The prosecution called Maya to the stand and she was escorted to the stand with the help of Kay. Maya had an arm around Kay for support as the two girls slowly walked to the stand. It was obvious Maya was still weak after the channelling. The judge expressed his apology for having to drag the girl to the stand in her condition before Godot requested she gives her name and profession.

"My name is Maya Morana Fey. I am the heir to the position of Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique, Manager at Wright & Co. Law Offices and Co-counsel to Phoenix Wright."

"Big title." said Godot.

"What can I say, I'm a big deal." responded Maya cheekily.

"Please tell us what you saw on the night of the crime." said Godot.

Despite her early bravado, Maya was still very much shaken. Her testimony was sloppy and full of holes. Phoenix immediately pounced on these inconsistencies. During her testimony she let it slip that she had screamed "Help me!" to a man hiding in the garden. She tried to cover her slip-up by saying that she had seen the man by the light of the stone lantern in the garden. Wright pointed out that it was impossible for her to see him in the light since the lantern was out of commission that night. Wright then insinuated that Godot was at the crime scene by requesting that the court turn off all lights. In the pitch-black darkness of the room, Godot's mask was the only thing to be seen.

Maya tried to cover for Godot by saying that she had thought the assailant was a man because the crime scene had been cleaned of all evidence incriminating Maya, except for the bloody writing reading "Maya" on the white stone lantern. Phoenix however, said that this incriminated Godot even more, since he was unable to see red on a white background. Maya pointed out that Godot hadn't been to the Inner Temple until the bridge was finished being rebuilt, and testified to the court that Godot had found Pearl first and cheered her up while he was investigating. Phoenix however pointed out that it was actually Sebastian that had found Pearl.

A little bit more of back and forth between Maya, Phoenix and Godot and Wright finally came up with the theory that Godot used his power as a prosecutor to listen in on the meetings between Morgan and Pearl, and he had found the plans before Pearl had. He left the plans where they were so Pearl could find them and made preparations for Dahlia's arrival. Godot asked for a motive, and Wright gave the important link between Godot and Maya Fey, her sister and Godot's old love, Mia Fey. Godot admitted this, as well as Wright's revelation that Godot was none other than former defense attorney Diego Armando.

"The last time someone called me by that name...was over 6 years ago..." said Godot. "After Dahlia Hawthorne poisoned me, I entered a deep sleep. I had lost my sight...and my hair had become as white as the milk Mia put in her coffee. Marie Antoinette Syndrome I was told. I was awoken by the smell of fresh brewed coffee. But then, I got the real wake up call. The woman I loved had been murdered...She was gone forever...And the woman I loaded most was sentenced to die. There was no way I could go back to sleep. I had 2 things keeping me up. They drove me to become a prosecutor. The first one was you Trite. You were the one that let Mia Fey die. It's your fault she has to be channeled by family members to enter a courtroom. She would still be alive if you weren't such an incompetent child..." he took a few breaths to calm himself. "The second was Maya Fey-"

Phoenix interrupted him. "I'm gonna have to stop you there, prosecutor Godot. You claim it's my fault Mia had to be channeled today. And you are completely right, if I would have been faster, maybe Mia wouldn't have gotten hurt-"

"Nick no-" said Maya.

"-However, you are wrong about one thing. Mia Fey is still alive."

"What?!" exclaimed Godot.

"On the 5th of September 2016, around 9:00pm, Mia Fey was struck on the head by Redd White. However, the blow was not fatal. It sent her into a coma. So while she may sleep today, she will wake up one day!"

"What the hell are you talking about Trite?!" asked a livid Godot. "I clearly saw her dead spirit get channeled by Pearl Fey less than half an hour ago!"

"Coma patients can be channeled by spirit mediums." said Maya.

"So all this mean she's been...I've been...I could have..." stammered Godot.

They gave Godot time to recollect himself before the judge softly promoted him to continue. He explained how, after hearing about Morgan's plan, he contacted Misty Fey and requested her help to prevent Maya's death. Iris, who was already there, was to be the "fall girl" in Godot's backup plan in case they couldn't stop Morgan's plan. Godot's role was to protect Maya Fey in case something went wrong. Misty originally tried to invite Pearl to her room to read books together, thus preventing the summoning, when this failed Misty summoned Hawthorne's spirit so Pearl couldn't do so.

Godot then admitted to killing Misty Fey in order to protect Maya. The judge asked about the other bloody weapon and Maya explained that Dahlia stabbed him under his mask. Godot confessed his hatred for Wright because he went on living his happy-go-lucky life even after covering for Hawthorne and letting Mia die. Godot thought he couldn't forgive Wright, but he knew, deep down, that the one he couldn't forgive was himself. Not able to face Mia's death head-on, Godot had run away, throwing away his past, his name, and even his face, hiding behind a mask.

"I suppose..." said Godot. "I wasn't really interested in saving you at all. I think I was just trying to salvage what's left of my broken soul... I was trying to make up for the fact that I couldn't protect Mia. Nothing more. That's why I let you walk into a situation that I knew was dangerous. Forgive me..."

Wright slammed his hands on the defense bench. "You're wrong! You put your life on the line to save Maya!"

"Was it really for Maya's sake? Even I'm not really sure... That night, when I saw her silhouette...A part of me must have known that it wasn't really Dahlia Hawthorne... It could have been Misty Fey...or even Pearl Fey." He chuckled bitterly. "After what you just told me, it could have even been Mia. But I still picked up that blade...I'm not exactly sure what was going on in my mind at that point...Was I really motivated by the desire to protect Maya? Or was it something else... Could it simply have been desire for revenge? And now...I don't know anything anymore!" Godot sipped his coffee before sighing. "I did learn something today however... I finally realized that I was the arrogant one. I was just...chasing an illusion. A fantasy of defeating you in the courtroom... You were the one who made me realize my folly. You never ran away from Mia's death, Trite. Instead, you picked up where she left off, as a true defender of the people."

"Mr. Armando..." said Maya softly. "I believe in you! I know you were trying to save me!"

Suddenly, blood started flowing from under Godot's mask. Phoenix told him his wound started bleeding but he just chuckled bitterly.

"...Ha! Did you forget already? In my world...the color red does not exist. These must tears...Ever since I woke up from my coma...I think I've been waiting for this moment to happen...You'd do well to remember this Maya...The only time a lawyer can cry, is when it's all over."

The court was dead silent as they mulled over Godot's words. Of course someone had to interrupt.

"That's cool and all Mr. Godot, but we really should get that wound treated." said Kay.

Godot laughed as the tension dissipated. "Yeah, I suppose you're right..."

(A\N: Kay's answer was just me throughout Godot's speech. I know a lot of people thought his speech was cool or whatever, but the only thing I was thinking the first time I saw it was: Dude, you're bleeding. Go see a doctor. Also does anyone know how Hawthorne managed to stab him underneath the mask? makes no sense...Sorry, I'm just ranting at this point.

Fun fact: Morana was a pagan Slavic goddess associated with seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. I thought the whole association with death fit well with the spirit channeling of the Feys.)

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