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Since I had a few minutes or so before school started, I agreed to go meet up with Iceland. he was the first country to recognize my independence, and after that we became close friends.

I texted him, telling him that I was leaving, and he replied pretty quick. I got my bags, and then went to put my shoes on when Lithuania noticed me.

"Where are you going, Latvija? It's thirty minutes till' the bus comes," They asked.

"I'm meeting up with Īslande," I replied, while contemplating wether to bring a coat or not.

Estonia piped in, "Are you not even going to say bye? Rude!-"

I sighed then waved them both goodbye and left the apartment, and sped walked down the stairs. eventually I exited the building, and walked to the bus stop.

It was warm today, good thing I didn't take a coat. As I was nearing the bus stop, I saw the familiar blue, white, and red flag of my nordic friend. Iceland noticed me and motioned for me to go over to him.

I walked over to him, greeting him.
"Hey Lettland! How was summer break?" He enquired.

"Oh it was fine, Jāņi was fun as always!" I exclaimed.

I sat down next to him on the bench as he talked about what he did. "Wanna hang out after school today? I don't wanna deal with the other nordics," He asked, seeming annoyed.

I laughed then nodded stating, "You don't need to ask you know- let me guess, Just dance and Mario cart?"

He nodded, agreeing and piped in, "Just don't break the controller again-"

I rolled my eyes, and smiled. then i noticed Lithuania and Estonia and other nations coming as the bus pulled up.

"That boy looks so anxious." i heard Estonia say. "Do you think Latvia and Iceland will be fine? What if latvia gets picked on by ms Russia again?"

"He has Iceland there! i'm sure it won't be as bad as last time." Lithuania replied.

I listened. They're so worried for me all the time.

I constantly got picked on last year. I got invasion threats, especially from that damn russia. and now her allies are coming this time.

"Latvija," I heard Lithuania say.

I quickly looked up at her.

"oh, lith!" i snapped out of my thoughts.

"Maybe you and Iceland should stay away from crowds, so you don't get picked on a lot. alright..?"

i nodded a bit.

"ah, good! now let's get in."

I ended up sitting in the middle row, next to lithuania. Iceland decided to sit next to his ally, Norway.

But it was very loud in the back.

So i turned around,

-to see everyone surrounding a red country who seemed popular- they looked just like Iceland, but with a white cross...?

written by BobaSaysOwO


words: 475

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