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this was originally going to be chapter 6. please read the last chapter(if you haven't already)- i put the original writing of chapter five in there.]]


I handed letland their books. Why must he be so sad?

They sighed, "It was just Russia. I'm fine. Uhh - thanks for my books.."


I'm gonna try to cheer em up!

I nodded, "You're welcome! Actually, the awesome me has decided to try cheer ya up!"

They looked kinda taken back but shook his head, muttering, "No it's fine. You don't have to."

"nej, I do! If one of my friends are sad, I'm gunna cheer them up!" I cheered.

he seemed confused, and reluctant to speak. As if he was trying to find the right way to say something.

Then the latvian mumbled, "Since when were we friends..? Either way-it's fine. I don't need you to try cheering me up."

I'm heckin friends with everyone, ya silly latvian!

"I'm like, friends with everyone!! so we became friends when we first started talking!" I laughed.

Latvia sighed, then we heard the clock tower rang. About time!

I dragged latvia out of the library when Iceland saw me and waved.

Latvia got out of my grip then went over to Iceland. Thanking me for the offer then leaving.

I wonder why Germany and Russia pick on him.. he seems nice, and a great ally!

He probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

I noticed norge talking with sveirge and went over to them, and we made our way to the rooftop.


I thanked Iceland for getting me out of that awkward mess.

Why is that dane so keen on being my friend?! He's either just really trying to get my trust or-


He could actually want to be closer allies. I doubt it though.

We walked over to the rooftop and found my friends, Finland, and Poland. Lithuania waved over to us and we went to go sit down.

"Cześć łotwie and islandia! So, did Russia or Germany or Sweden or like- anyone cause any trouble?" Poland asked.

I suppose I've forgiven Poland. Atleast him and liet apologised for invading me.

I shook my head. I don't need to tell them.

Finland sees me then waves and goes back to talking with Estonia.

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