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[[i took the original chapter 5 and put it into this one, if you're confused why i published again-]]

After 5-10 minutes of aimlessly looking for my homeroom class, Mr America suggested it last year, I finally found Ms EU's class.

I walked, in tired. luckily she's more relaxed than UN or Asia (ASEAN).

the classrooms here were kind of like in a stadium format. like a university classroom.

I saw the baltics sitting with poland at a row, and there was luckily one more spot.

so I walked over and sat down, Estonia noticed me sit down and greeted me, "Heeeei läti! did anything happen while me and liet where gone?"

I shook my head deciding not to tell them about the encounter with Denmark.

She nodded then went back to doing whatever she was doing before. EU started talking about something which got everyone to quiet down.

I wasn't paying attention when I felt something hit the back of my head.

what the?- I turned around and saw a scrunched up piece of paper on the floor, probably from Germany or something.

His row was behind mine after all. I ignored the note. It's probably just some insults or another invasion threat.

I heard him yell, "Hey!! Who even are you?! You arn't a real country and never will or have been!!"

I sighed then raised my hand, I'm probably just going to skip class.I don't want Germany being an annoying prat the whole time.

EU noticed my hand up, "Yes?" I lowered my hand and ask if I can go to the washroom, she nodded, then I left.

I walked down the silent hallway aimlessly, and eventually I see the stairs to the rooftop.

No one will be up there so it's better then the washroom- I walked upstairs then opened the doors that lead to the rooftop. I walked over to the garden and sat down.

Why do bigger nations always do this? More specifically, why is it always Russia, Germany and sometimes Sweden?

Why can't they just leave me alone like they do for the other baltics?!

but I heard footsteps coming towards me. I look over to see..

What does that narcissist prat want? He came over, and sat next to me, seemingly tired but relieved.

He said, "Hey au- Latvia! How come ya left? Didn't ya say were going to the toilet? It's been like, fifteen minutes!"

I sighed then tucked my head into my knees muttering, "I didn't want to deal with Germany. Now leave me alone... please."

He shook his head, of course he won't just leave!

He smiled a little, "You can't get me to leave that easily! I'm going to stay up here and keep you company!"

what- is he an idiot or something!?

I let out a sigh of annoyance, "Fine. But if you get in trouble, I'm NOT making any excuse for you!"

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