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Finally class was over! I left a little quicker then everyone since I didn't wanna deal with dane, germany, russia and all-

I walked over to the storage compartments, and it was pretty empty. only a few countries were here, but none that i knew.

i quickly stored my bags, but i heard boots clanking across the floor. it was familiar, like russia's. wait .. russia's?!

i froze. and suddenly, I felt someone drag me by the hair!


OW! What's this country's problem?! Don't they know what personal space is?!

but I stumbled, and bumped into them.

"ah!-" i blurted out, and quickly turned around, to see .. russia and germany?!

my heart beat rapidly. Oh, bledge! They're probably mad about what happened in class! i should've just put the papers in my bag. what will they do now?!

"Sheesh latvia, you should learn how to shut up, you pathetic little 'country'! You got us in quite a bit of trouble back there." Germany declared whilst glaring at me.

Russia nodded and pushed me against the wall, "да, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have gotten into trouble now would've we? You are very very lucky this is only the first strike. If it happens again be expecting german and russian troupes!"

"Not my fault LON saw the notes - powerful bastards.. !"

but i didn't say that. i said it in my mind. though, i did wish i had said that! but of course, i will just get beaten up if i did.

and I slightly nodded while muttering, "Jā m.. ma'am.."

but i felt something hit the top of my head!

"Speak up, little russian city!" Russia glared at me whilst holding onto a book, which she had hit me with.

"Jā, ma'am! I promise it won't happen again!!" I said, loud enough to be heard.

"Good." Germany smiled, "Don't even think about telling anyone about this."

then the two left.

i sighed, and closed my storage compartment, unmotivated. I wondered what I did for them to treat me like this.

what did I ever do to them? why is it always me? why the hell can't they just leave me alone?! i wondered that again.

"Hej, letland!" suddenly, i heard that familiar danish accent.

i turned around, and there was .. denmark. looking all enthusiastic as always. why are you so happy, denmark?

wait, denmark?! why is he here?! i told him to leave me alone, didnt i?!

i looked at him reluctant and silent. i don't trust him, you know! how can i get out of this situation?!

but i stayed this time. i didn't dare to move.

"jā - need something.. ?!" i questioned, anxiously.

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