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we were the first ones to class.

uh .. me and denmark.

out of every nation, why him?! why that dane? does the universe hate me or something?!

i glanced at him.

"hej latvia ..!" denmark greeted.

i sighed, and walked away from him. i was still upset with him. i didn't want to speak to denmark.

i got to at least the furthest row, to get away from denmark. i swear, if he tries to talk to me!

but denmark stayed at the bottom row, fortunately.

and then a few minutes passed, everybody was here.

..though. i'm surprised how denmark didn't try to sit next to me, and be his annoying self.

"hej." i heard someone say, with a deep voice.


i turned around quickly, and it was .. sweden?!

oh great! he's going to do something BAD to me, won't he?!

"jā..?!" i replied, slightly scooting away from him.

"I'm not going to eat you, calm down! anyways. I think you've forgotten this is MY spot." he stated whilst glaring at me.

huh? since .. when..? Sure, he always sits here. but it isn't HIS spot.

however, i apologized anyways, fearing he was going to do something bad to me.

"Oh uh right, sorry! I'll just uhm.. move!" i hastily replied, and went to another spot on that row.

I sighed, then saw Iceland come over. he sat next to me, commenting, "Oh leave latvia alone sweden, no one wants to see your grumpy self."

How does this guy even insult sweden without getting- oh yeah, nevermind.

Sweden sighed, and iceland sat down. then Estonia had ran over and sat with us, too.

"tere!!" estonia said, seeming out of breath.

iceland and i both greeted estonia.

Great! Sweden can't annoy me now, and he can just talk to Estonia.

I sighed, and fidgeted with my pen south korea had given me. this is one of my favorite pens, and it had colorful ink!

but i was nervous, as i fidgeted.

well, i'm always nervous HERE! because what if i humiliate myself, and then people will laugh at me and underestimate me?!

i sighed a little, and iceland comforted me.

and i noticed the league of nations walk in.

then, they began a lecture about .. world peace or something, I dunno.

russia and some others like to tease me, obviously. mostly russia. and the league of nations haven't caught them, yet ..

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