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who even was that? why is he surrounded by countries? is he popular or something?

and such clothing he wore! he looks very extra. why are there spikes?!

"lat, why are you looking at 'denmark'?" i heard lithuania ask, out of the blue. "oh! do you want to become his ally?"

"what- no! i don't know!-" i replied, confused.

"i think you should become allies with em. i mean, he's sounds like a good one! he's rich, and like, a cool country!" she said.

huh?! why was that so sudden? doesn't she know i have trust issues?!


but i knew i couldn't become allies with a nation like that. he acts and looks like some delinquent. what if HE'S going to pick on me this time,,?

he shouted something in what i presumed to be danish to his friends, as if this was some kind of concert or something. why is he so loud?!

"-and wasn't he the one who recognized you in 1921? maybe you could get closer to him!" lithuania added.

"i don't know," i sighed.


i just turned back around, and looked out the window. the buildings got higher as we went, and it was overcast. but the sun appeared and disappeared in the clouds constantly.

this national city was very busy and filled- especially today. this municipality is where most countryhuman meetings were held. and one of the main academies are located around here.

the UN academy here, that most of us nations attend, is like a university. we at least have to take it for five years, every century. we review stuff countries should know, like handling war and trying to make peace.

we also have meetings here, mainly about certain problems around the world. we would all usually present our ideas.

but last year, russia copied my idea. she was such a pain in the neck last year. and i'm dreading today already.

after a few minutes of nations chattering and denmark being deafening, we eventually arrived at the academy.

lithuania and i were one of the last ones to get out. we preferred to be the last, because the huger nations were usually in front.

"well, i'm gonna go meet with my poland. see ya, latvija!" lithuania said.

"what-?" was all i could say, before she just left me.

are they just going to leave me alone here?!


i'll just find estonia. i'm sure she's near.

so i entered the wide, auburn building, tightly holding onto my bags, trying to blend in with the crowd. i looked around for estonia.

but she wasnt on the first floor. i panicked a bit.

great! i lost estonia on the first day. and i have a bad sense of direction! what if some big countries find me and pick on me and call me names?!

maybe i'm just over exaggerating. at least i didn't bump into russia, or some other big country.

i sighed, and walked to the storage compartments. i put my ice hockey and drawing bag inside.

i ended up lost in the library. there was nobody around, i assumed.

and i wandered around, distracted and amazed at how much books there were. the library was huge, and there was even a second floor!

but i remembered i was lost.

... then i saw that dane again. what's he even doing here?!

-uhhm, but should i ask him for help? or - what if he's just going to tease me?!

i guess i ended up staring at him, because he noticed me.

"oh hej, new country!!" he exclaimed.


who does he think he's talking to?! i've had my independence for 102 years (if you don't count the reoccupation, of course)!

i sighed, and ignored him. i shouldn't talk to him. he looks powerful enough to invade me.

i thought he gave up, but i felt something poke my face.

"what do you need..?!" i squeaked, and looked up to see that denmark again.

he's still here? what is he going to do to me now?!

"i just want to talk with you, that's all!" he responded, with a childish grin. "i bet you already know who the awesome me is, but incase you don't, i'm denmark! the heckin cool nation, ya know!"

what is with this guy? he really is a narcissist, and talks too much. is he this just his facade? what if he's just some evil heartless guy?!

"..and why would you want to talk to me of all people?!" i slightly glared at him, confused, "you should go talk with one of your nordic friends or something, i don't have interest in talking with you or anyone, for that matter."

..maybe i shouldn't have said that!- why don't i realize what i'm saying most of the time?!

what if he's going to become angry with me - and treat me bad like russia?!

however, his expression changed from happy to confused..? he probably isn't used to other nations not wanting to talk to him, or something.

the dane cheered up a little, then exclaimed, "that's something you don't hear everyday.. you're interesting uh-austria?"

of course he thinks I'm austria!

I sighed and then corrected him, "I'm latvia. not austria."

he sounded confused but nodded, and corrected himself, "right! you're interesting, aus-latvia!" he waved goodbye, then finally left.

weird. wait. i forgot to ask him about the classes!-

but it was too late. he left the library already. i'm so dumb! but he sounded unhelpful anyways,,

written by @ioliite (half written by BobaSaysOwO )


words- 931

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