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I fished my through bag to find my keys.

lithuania packed my bag today, surprisingly. however, she would put an excessive amount of stuff. that's why I don't trust both estonia and lithuania packing my bags.

as I fished through the packed bag, there were tissues, napkins, paper, pens, three water bottles, one euro, but no key.

oh no. did I leave it at the academy?!

I dug through it harder. it has to be in here. I'm sure, I didn't leave it at the academy!

but fortunately, it was there. I grabbed it, and let out a sigh of relief.

I fumbled with the keys as I attempted to open the cramped apartment door.

maybe it would've been a good idea to ask Lithuania or Iceland to come..

I eventually got the door opened and walked in. I took my shoes off then closed the door behind me.

I went to the kitchen, then turned on the faucet, and washed my hands.

it was quiet in the apartment, for once. It's nice whenever Lithuania and Estonia aren't here to nag at me about everything - or tease me and say i'm an angsty teenager..!

I dried my hands with a towel, and then went to unpack my bags. I took out the junk lithuania shoved in there and put it in my drawer. the bag was lighter.

and I put my bags away in my room. the school bag usually just went next to my bed, while my ice hockey bag would go on my top shelf and my drawing bag would go on my desk, next to my drawing tablet.

I should probably eat something before leaving, shouldn't I?

I went back to the kitchen and checked the top cabinets for food.

it was mostly empty, since we don't go out shopping frequently. we have too much work and other things to worry about!

but luckily, there was something left. I took it out.

aha! Rupjamaise! I can have that. maybe some butter on top?

I opened the fridge, and searched for butter. but the only things we had in there were fruit, ice and leftovers - which were being saved for dinner.

okay, plain bread it is!

I got some bread, and put it in a plastic bag. then I checked the time on my phone.


I should probably get going ..

I went to go get my boots on. I took the keys, but before I left, I wrote a note on the kitchen table for the others.

[Sveiki, you two!

If you're wondering where I am, I went to meet with dane at the park since he practically begged me to go and talk about something.

and he did get russia and germany in trouble so yeah..!

though, If i'm not home by 7 PM, i've either;

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