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I woke up in a cold sweat. Iceland noticed me wake up. i sighed, and put my hair out of my face.

we were still here?


why did i have another dream about that damn guy invading me?! i looked at iceland.

"goood morning lettland!" i heard him say.

"how long have i slept?!" i asked.

"um, only about .. thirty minutes, or so. the bus arrives in a few minutes." he replied.

i kind of hugged his arm, and leaned on him again. i was still tired.

but i thought of that nightmare. why did it continue? was it a sign?!

"are you okay, lat?! you look sad!"


"i just had a nightmare, that's all," i mumbled.

"oh? Let me guess, it was about Russia?" He questioned, as I sat up again and rubbed my eyes.

I sighed.

"no, it was denmark." i responded quietly.

he was surprised. "Well if it was something to do with denmark invading you, i'm a hundred percent sure he wouldn't!" he reassured. -

"that won't be very 'denmark' of him. he acts too much like a child to be serious and invade ya! and isn't he your ally?"

-"-and even if he did he wouldn't kill you or something, he would just kidnap you and make you do chores and stuff."

I shook my head, "I doubt it. I bet his childishness is just a facade, and he wouldn't hesitate to kill me!"

but lithuania and estonia ran up to us.

"there you are, latvija! always running away to go with your little teenage friend!" lithuania exclaimed, taking a breath from running.

"you had us worried - we thought you got kidnapped!" estonia added. "and i thought you would pass out on the way here, because lithuania told me you stayed up late!"

i was silent. they act as if they were my parents!

they're always worried about me, too much. they treat me as their little 'teen'.

"i'm fine. you don't need to worry," i replied.

"really?!" estonia grabbed my face and looked at me. "you look tired! do you think you could make it the whole day?!"

"mmmmm," i hummed, not really listening.

"you should stay with iceland and denmark when we aren't there, so they can watch over and protect you!" lithuania sounded worried.

"i can try to defend myself, you know!" i muttered, and looked away.

and i don't want to see denmark at this. that nightmare was very realistic, it could even come true!

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