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"oh i see. sorry latvia was so harsh on you! maybe he was just stressed. well, hüvasti you two!" estonia said, and closed the door.

"mhm, bye!" iceland responded, and we left the apartment building.

i was quiet, as we walked to downtown. i thought about latvia.

damn! he was THAT mad at me?! and how is that joke offensive to him? it was a really funny joke. maybe latvia just doesn't have a good sense of humor!

and i meant it when i said sorry, really!! he didn't have to be so mean. why was he so angry all of the sudden? i still want him to be my ally!

i sighed angrily, as iceland and i walked in silence.

"now, do you know why he's avoiding you .. ?" iceland asked, tiredly.

"ja ja, because he took my joke offensively," i replied, looking away from iceland. "wait. how do you know why he was shouting at me?!"

"i was actually eavesdropping. but anyways, you need to apologize to him meaningfully, tomorrow! or this week." iceland said. "and don't you want him to be your close ally? then apologize, so everything will be good again!"

i sighed.

"i already apologized to the damn kid! and he retorted with, 'sorry doesn't do anything.' !" i complained.

"you probably apologized too soon, and it didn't sound like you meant it! maybe you guys just need a break away from eachother, before you apologize .." iceland explained.

"nej! i still want to be his close ally, and i don't want to avoid him! i want him to forgive me, now!"

"dane! just have patience. and he's still untrustworthy with you. it takes time."


and we were silent again.

i think letland's just overreacting over a silly joke. how could he get so offended? it's not like i'm going to actually invade em!

it was already the next day, after academy. latvia avoided me again, of course!

but whatever. anyways, i don't have any work to do, since i finished it during academy time! ja! a whole stack of paperwork,
done in just two hours!!

i got on my bed, and took out my stuffed animals.

Now I can just relax, do what I want, try to retaliate with lat-


actually, scratch that. he's still mad at me, and won't give me a full explanation to why that joke is so offensive to him!

though, i want to apologize to him, again. he didn't give me a chance today! but i will apologize seriously this time.

and i want to know why the joke was offensive to latvia. but i cant just ask him. he will either ignore me, or say 'you should know!'.

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