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how fast the week was - it was the second week of academy now!

it felt like it went by in a quick second. but something is bothering me ..

letland has been avoiding me since last wednesday (it's tuesday, today!).

and whenever i get the chance to talk to him, i tried asking why. however, he keeps ignoring me.

he either leaves or ignores me, and to be honest - it's getting annoying! and i mean really annoyin'. like i just want to talk to em, that's all!!

why can't he just tell me why he's ignoring me?! what the heck did i do? No matter if he wants to or not, he's gotta tell me at some point!

i was in class, the first class of the day. and latvia was in the same one as me, on the row below mine. i glanced at him.

what could i be doin wrong? is it because he thinks i'm annoying, or something?!

and the clock rung. it's break time!I might be able to get some answers from the kid!

Ms EU dismissed us, however latvia left quickly. he's probably going to... hmmm... the library?

I'm not sure actually. letland haven't been at the rooftop for a while. and of course, iceland won't tell me where they go to now!

-and ice tells me latvia's avoiding me because of that one joke. like, whaddya mean?! isn't that joke really funnnyyy?

so I got up, and tried following latvia. but I got lost! maybe he's on the first floor?

I sighed, and continued walking. great. but i won't give up on findin' him! i need answers for this.

i was in a half empty hallway. there were few countries i knew here. only the oceanians, and caribbeans, i think.

but there he was - austria? no, latvia!

latvia was leaning on the wall, reading some type of book.

oh good! i found em!

but wait - two other countries went up to him.

myanmar - lithuania i mean, and estonia? ugh. why now?! c'mon! i needa talk to latvia!!

so i hid behind a plant, and watched them.

okay, but my hiding spot was obvious. they'll just see a big black speck behind a plant.

buti cant just find another spot, i need to stay here! i need to talk to latvia, badly!!

eventually, those two left. finally!

i waited there, for like, a few minutes. which felt like a hecking hour!

and i ran up to him, excited. i held him still so he didn't run away again.

I asked, "hej tell me, latvia! Why have you been ignoring me?!"

He seemed .. startled and scared?

"hey- let me go-! go ask iceland or something! don't you get it?! I don't wanna talk to you!" he lashed out.

wha .. ?

i was speechless. is this why he really avoided me?! because .. he just didn't want to talk to me?

"what - c'mon, why don't ya want to talk to me?" i questioned.

"dane!" i heard someone exclaim.

norge came over.

"oh! norge!-"

"dane, let the kid go." he instructed, sternly.

I sighed, then finally let latvia go.

and norge turned to latvia, and norway grabbed my arm.

"oh i'm sooo terribly sorry about- denmarks behavior! he's just childish and stuff, and bossy! we'll leave now." he apologized.

.. and norge and i walked away from latvia. well, more like he was dragging me!


but why doesn't letland want to talk to me anymore? he used to not mind.. what did I do to upset him?!


norway took denmark away quickly, as i stood there, silent.

what the- what the hell is denmark's deal?! he knows what he did, i'm sure!

I sighed, and closed my book.

and then Iceland came over, "lettland! I saw what happened. Everything alright?!"

I nodded a little, "Jā.. I guess."

He sat down next to me, "i'm so sorry that denmarks so childish! Oh yeah- and I'm coming over after school, if that's k."

I laughed a little, "it's fine, and jā jā, sure. Estonia and Lithuania probably won't mind."

He smiled then got a bag of grapes for us to share, while we talked.

talking with iceland is calming. it usually just makes me caught off guard - usually of drama that happens, which is good.

but i wish denmark could just leave me alone. he's even more annoying at this point!


and we stopped talking, but i ranted.

"i hate how dānija is just coming and trying to talk to me, i wish he can be more aware of that 'joke' he made!"

"i know," iceland agreed. "and i told denmark, because he keeps asking me why you're avoiding him! i already told him to apologize, but he still doesn't realize what he said wasn't funny."

"he's so ignorant." i complained.

"yes, he is. but i'll make him realize soon. he needs to apologize!" iceland responded.

written by BobaSaysOwO and @ioliite


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