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art class.

it's an additional class that you could attend if you wanted to here.

i liked it - it was one of the ways i could express my emotions; on paper.

art class was usually at the end of the day. there was only about .. ten minutes left.

and iceland and i had planned to hangout after academy! maybe at my apartment.

i sighed, and looked at my scribbly artstyle. i liked scribbling a lot, and my artstyle usually consists of scribbles(and i mean a lot).

others say it's creepy. and russia talks trash about it, and says i'm just 'lazy', of course. all she can draw are stick people!

but the good thing today, was that denmark left me alone, ever since that scene in the first break.

is he obsessed with me, or something?! or is he just being annoying? why is he still trying to talk to me?

but i really hope i don't run into him again, after school. bad stuff always happens to me!

i glanced at estonia, who was happily chatting with finland. they're pretty happy when they hangout together.

to be honest, i'd like a good alliance like that. but NOT with that annoying dane, of course!

they seem to be talking a lot. well, finland was the talkative one. he's mature, and usually enthusiastic. but not annoying, compared to denmark!

and after a few more minutes of constant scribbling, the final clock rung. the day was over.

so i took my drawing bag quickly, and rushed out the door. i went through the crowd of nations, and tried to make myself look hidden.

i didn't want that dane to notice me.

eventually i got my other bags, made it out the door in one piece, and to the tree.

then i met up with lithuania and estonia, and we headed back to our apartments. iceland will meet us there.


"PLEASEEEE!! LEMME COME WITH YA AND LETLAND!!" i begged, desperately.

"no!- denmark, it's only just the two of us! now leave me alone!-" iceland sighed.

"nejjj! pleasee let me come with you! i want to know why latvia is avoiding me!!" i whined.

"what?! i told you already! now stop whining, you can go hangout with norway! i'm going now." iceland got out of my grip.

"but child!! pleaseee?!"


"come on!! i'll behave!"

"dane, you're not coming. now get over it! and stop asking me!"

"NOO! i want to come with ya and latvia!!"

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