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i walked through the crowded hallways, as i thought of what denmark said.

"Well what was it about?"

"the dream was about you invading, and killing me."

"Damn! I guess ya could read my mind or something!"

did he really just say that - or was i just tired, and imagining things?

it was hard to process, especially when you're tired.

i should just avoid denmark. he's just a betrayer, and a waste of time. he's just a stupid bastard!

but i was too tired - too tired to walk. am i just going to pass out right here, in this crowd?

just keep walking. class is only in a few minutes.

and i forced myself to keep going, and eventually got myself to class. i opened the door, which probably took up all of my strength.

oh great, russia's here. she glared at me.

how bad i just want to beat up that little - !

i sighed, and got to the highest row, where nobody could throw papers at me from behind, and stuff.

the baltics weren't here. there were just foreign countries that i never saw a lot. like africa or the middle east, which is fortunate.

however, the only bad thing is that russia's here. at least shes in the front row.


i was in class, with norge and ice.

but ice didn't seem happy with me. whyy??

i thought we're good allies! he can't just be upset with me - after what i did with him!

oh ja! he thought my joke wasn't funny.

i joked about invading latvia on the bus. how come they didn't laugh?? it really is funny!

just think of it! a small country, invading a BIGGER country, and winning!

or maybe, they just don't have a good sense of humor.

maybe i should meet up with lat soon. but why is he so sad now?

he always looks sad. like that one time at the rooftop! was he about to cry?

i just know he's a misfortunate, and despairing person. poooor him!

but he should laugh in a while, so why didn't he laugh at my joke?? maybe he's too devastated to laugh!

i should just cheer him up! like that one time at the library! he was sad, and dropped his books because of russia.


i wasn't listening to the teacher. i already knew this stuff, so why learn it again? this is unnecessary!

but im going to find latvia, when the break starts.

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