Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov;
"What happened to Jyugo?" Rock asked.

"I don't know" Nico said.

"His shackles they're gone... JYUGO!" Uno shouted, as Jyugo completely ignored him and kept his eyes on Musashi.

"Uno, whatever happened down there he isn't going to listen." I said.


"Damn him, It's all his fault!" Jyugo threw down his blade at Musashi. A huge power strike came from it. As Musashi jumped out of the way, the strike came closer to us. I felt someone grab me and jumped to the side as a explosion went off behind us.

"If you may have noticed, we're in the middle of a small emergency. Inmates, if you could follow the guards instructions and leave the stadium calmly. I repeat calmly." Mitsuru announced. The other inmates begin to panic and made their way to the exits.

Warden Hyakushiki's pov;
"Looks like that attack scared them good. Well if you ain't going to be calm, then don't fall and trample each other!" Mitsuru shouted to the inmates.

"Damage control, stop the cameras" I said.

"Aye aye Cap'n" He said.

"What is that creature?" I thought.

Y/n's pov;
"Wow, look at that we lived." Uno said.

"Is everyone alright?" Yamato asked.

"We're fine thanks to you, Yamato." Nico said.

"Yeah and thanks again, Seitarou." I say, while taking my arm off of him and grabbed the ledge again.

"No problem and I'll see what I could do to help the evacuation. I'm sure the inmates will be safe with you, sir." Seitarou says, before running off.

"Of course!" Yamato said.

"To think Jyugo could do that much damage." Rock said.

"I know it's crazy." I said.

"He looks so vicious, but it's him its still Jyugo." Uno said.

As Jyugo ran towards Musashi and tried to hit Musashi with his elbow. Musashi caught it and used his flames. Jyugo pushs himself off of him and did another power strike from his blade. Musashi dodges to the side. The attack went straight to the Warden, but lucky it went past her and Mitsuru.

"Good, Jyugo's strike missed the Warden and Mitsuru." I thought with relief.

"Apprehend those inmates at once!" The Warden yelled.

"Ma'am!" Hajime and Kenshirou say, before going towards Jyugo and Musashi.

"Their powers contradict all our knowledge! Bring them in for interrogation!" The Warden yelled.

Musashi's pov;
"Screw that noise can't you see the two of us are busy. You can ask your questions later. But not until me and Jyugo finished our business!" I shouted, before aiming my flames towards the guards on the right. "Nanba guards are pretty tough I kinda-". I sensed Jyugo behind me. I move to the side and ran behind Jyugo.

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