Chapter 36

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Y/n's pov;
"I don't believe, you actually won" Gbf/n said.

"I know" I said.

"Mia, you're still going to explain how we could understand them, right?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, I'll explain on the way back." Mia said.

"It's good to see you" Gramps said.

"Yeah, you guys too" I said. I felt someone tap my good shoulder lightly. I turn around to the warden.

"Are you ready to head back, so you could grab your things?" The warden asked.

"Yeah, and I want to return my number tag to Hajime, myself. If that's alright." I asked.

"Of course and I assume you want to say goodbye" The warden said.

"Yeah, that too." I said. Someone accidentally touched my bad shoulder. I look back to my friend and said."Hey, easy with my back bro. My back still hurts".

"Sorry, I didn't know." Gbf/n said.

"It's cool, did you need something?" I asked.

"Who's she?" Gbf/n asked.

"She's the warden at the prison, I was held at." I said.

"Ohhhh cool" Gbf/n said.

"I'll see you guys at the house, alright?" I asked.

"Alright" My family and friend said.

"I'll see you later tonight." Mia said, before she leads them out.

"Man, I was really wanting to see this prison." Gbf/n said, before the door closed behind them.

I went back to the warden."Sorry about the interruption, ma'am".

"It's quite alright, are you ready to go?" She asked.

"Ready when you are" I said. We both walk back out and headed towards the helicopter.

Uno's pov;
"You cheated!" Honey shouted to him losing.

"No, I didn't. You're just a sore loser!" I shout.

"Calm down you two, I can hear you from the hallways".

"No!" We shouted. After we recognized the voice, we turn our heads to Y/n in normal clothes instead of a prison uniform and wearing his bandana around his neck like Lj. "Y/n!!" We yelled, before all of us went over to him.

"We saw everything on tv, your lawyer was so cool throwing those questions like that!" Nico said.

"I was surprised myself." Y/n said.

"So, you're really leaving, huh?" Jyugo asked.

"Yeah, I just got my stuff and changed back into my normal clothes." Y/n answered. He looks at the guards and told us, to hold on for a moment and walked over.

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