Chapter 28

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(Last Manga spoiler)
Hajime's pov;
He didn't respond to my question and ran towards the woman. She fired another blast at him, but he cut through it. The woman uses her ki to make a huge claw out of the ground, I ran over to 15 and got in front of him to hold it back when it came at him.

"Hajime?" Jyugo said with a hit of surprise in his voice.

"Geez, just what are you planning to make a mess of this time?" I asked.

"Huh? As if I'd tell you that Hajime" He replied.

"Haah!?" I said.

"Hurry up and move you'd just get captured, anyway" He said.

"You damn brat" I look back at him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "Hurry up and leave! Don't increase my workload!".

"Shut it! Either way, you'd just aggravate things and decide to put an end to it, right? I'm gonna take care of this place!" He raised his voice.

"The hell did you say you brat?!" I asked.

A large shadow came over us. We stopped and looked up then jumped back and ran ontop of the claw after it tried to hit us. "Don't follow me at a time like this!" He yelled.

"As if there'd be a big enough idiot to let an inmate do as he pleased right now!" I yelled back.

"You could at least read the mood!" He said.

"Just what the hell are you scheming?" I asked.

"Something you wouldn't understand!" He replied.

"This damn shitty brat" I say, before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Give it a rest already!". I threw him into the air and realized what I did. "Ah, I messed up".

Jyugo's pov;
"Alright just as expected" I mumbled. I turn myself around in the air so I could face the woman. For me to get her to listen, I tried to strike down so she'll use her ki to make a shield for herself. "You weren't wrong about anything. It's true that Elf is inside of me, and that he tried to use me to kill Enki, too. I accept it, and believe it- all of it. I wouldn't have taken notice if you hadn't come this far. You have my thanks. I'm not prepared to shoulder everything on my own. But if I were in the same position as you, I might've had that kind of resolve. I might've become strong like you. But I'm a coward, so I ended up relying on someone. And for some reason, it made me feel a lot better. Like there was really someone who would look after me. In the end, I tried not to face myself either, and I just ended up distancing myself from others. I'm certain that we were just fading away. Both me and you" I say, as the shield begins to crack. "So don't hate yourself anymore. Don't shut yourself off. Don't give up." I finally managed to break through her shield. "I'll face you properly... You, and everything else. So don't shoulder everything on your own. Don't try to do everything on your own anymore. Stop pushing yourself. I can hear every one of your words. I believe in you... After all you and I are the same." She looks at me shocked then passed out and fell back before changing to a guy. "Hey, Hajime do you think this was the right thing to do?".

"Hell if I know. The hell are you saying after going off and doing all this entirely on your own?" He asked.

"I guess so" I trailed off.

Samon's pov;
"Whew" I sighed with relief, after getting a blast in the gut by Enki.

"Your movements are still slow. You won't be able to get close to me like that" He said.

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