Chapter 29

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Rg/n= random guy name

Bold letters is you talking in your native language.

Trigger warning ⚠️- this will have some mentions of sensitive topics, if you don't feel comfortable reading this type of stuff. Please don't read this chapter.

Y/n's pov;
Time has past since the whole Enki situation went down, alot has happened after that. I'm finally 21 now, my dreams has been getting worse lately. Like how I got the scar on my back from Envy, the torture I went through because of him. And now I'm seeing when I found LJ dead in her home, the fights, and how I got the rest of the other scars from the fight pits. I haven't been sleeping because of it. I haven't even told Mia yet. With her finals around the corner, she's been really stressed out and I can't do that to her. Ontop of that, Uno's been acting kinda weird lately and I don't know what his deal is.Reading the new book series Seitarou recommend me, I felt someone staring at me. I look up to Uno staring at me before he turns his head away probably thinking I didn't see him. I went back to my book and listened to the conversations.

"I can't wait for free time!" Nico said.

"You're always ready for free time, Nico" I mentioned, while turning the page.

"Are we still going to the game room?' Rock asked.

"Yep" Uno said.

"What about you Y/n, Jyugo? Are you ready for free time soon?" Nico asked.

"Yep" I replied.

"As long as I'm out of this cell" Jyugo replied.

~Moments later~

Our cell door opens and Hajime walks in. "Alright inmates, it's your free time".

"Yay!" Nico cheered.

"Lets go" Hajime ordered.

"Okay" We said. I put my book down and followed the others out to the game room.

~Game room~

We walked into the game room and saw our original people from the other buildings. "Master!!" Nico ran over to Upa.

"I see you guys finally showed up" Uno said.

"That's our line" Honey mentioned.

I walk over to the couch where my sister is and sat down beside her. "Hey" I said.

"Hey Y/n" She said, while her attentions on her laptop.

"How's the studying going?" I asked. She sighed at my question. "That bad, huh?".

"My finals are in 5 days, what if I fail?" She asked.

"Mia L/n when have you ever failed a test?"I asked.

"None" She answered.

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