Chapter 25

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(Manga spoilers)
Uno's pov;
I look outside my cell to Hajime and Samon running towards our direction as I hear Samon yell. "Asshole, you just stepped on my foot didn't you!".

"Haah?! You were the one who got your foot caught on mine, weren't you!!" Hajime yelled back.

"You were the one who started it!" Samon shouted.

"It was you, you shitty monkey!!" Hajime yelled, as they ran by us.

"Supervisor!" Hajime and Samon stopped running for a moment. Samon looks back at his guards with a curious look.

"Um.. Supervisor, just how did you.. No.." They stumble on their words. "There was some stuff with those inmates.. Hey number 11 cut that out!" Kokoriki yelled at me for making a funny face at Samon.

"Um... Supervisor Mitsuba told us" Rokuriki mentioned.

"Uh.. In other words, this is." Youriki said. Samon looks at them with a pretty serious look, causing the three guards to flinch.

"P-please excuse us! We're truly sorry for acting on our own without your orders! In no way would we ever disobey your command. We do not have anything to do with your work." They say at the same time, as they bowed.

"I'm leaving this place to you guys. You guys can do it, right?" Samon asked.

"Yes sir!" They yelled, before Samon turned back around and ran out the door.

Me and Hajime make eye contact, he gives me some weird grin then started to run off. "Hey damn it! At least say something!" I yelled.

"I'll kill you if you get out!" Hajime shouted back.

"You sure don't waver do you!! Geez, he's the same as ever" I said.

"Hey Uno, look it's Jyugo and Y/n." Nico pointed at Y/n catching his breath while Jyugo looks like he's about to die on the floor.

"Are you.... Al...Al.. Right?" Jyugo struggled to say his words as he's catching his breath as well.

"I should be asking you that, word for word!" I said.

Jyugo picks himself up from the ground and came over to the cell with Y/n. "Actually why are you guys back in a cell?" He asked.

"It's a long story. It had something to do with someone's pride or something" I replied.

"Huh?" They asked.

"Well, at the very least it's certain we're safe for now" I said.

"Long time no see, Jyugo, Y/n!" Nico said.

"Are you doing alright?" Y/n asked him.

"Yeah Nico, is your health okay?" Jyugo added.

"Yeah, totally" Nico said.

"Why are you two over there!?" Kokoriki asked.

"Ah! Crap, he found us!" I said.

"Uno" Jyugo said.

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