Chapter 18

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Samon's pov;
When I woke up to someone talking pretty loud, I blink couple times to clear up my vision. I looked across the cell and saw Hajime handcuff in the cell in front of me. I chuckled at the sight. "Talk about pathetic. Look at you locked up in your cage, you look right at home, Hajime.".

"You're in no position to talk monkey." Hajime said.

"Shut up, don't call me that! Damn do I wish I could punch you right now, remind me to do that. Just as soon as I can move my fingers again." I said.

"So what's going on with your building?" He asked.

"He escaped from the underground cells." I replied.

"I had a feeling, he is the one who created this place. It makes sense that he'd find a way out of it eventually." He said.

"This time I tried to stop him, he had help though i-".

"You froze up like last time right?" Hajime questioned. I wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out. "One question, it was Enki who brought these cuffs here. Why do they still exist? I thought all his toys were destroyed? I guess some of them were hidden from us. Whatever it doesn't matter, but listen when I say this. Your brother is a criminal and that fact comes first." He said.

"Yeah, I know that why-".

"Then act like it. If you really intend to stop Enki. You'd better be ready to kill him." He said.

Y/n's pov;
After a while of us walking around, we finally reached the end of the hallways. We looked around the corner for anyone but saw no one. We come out into the open. "Hey, this looks promising." Uno said.

Liang points at the staircase. "These stairs should take us up to the surface.".

"So what are we waiting for." Nico said.

Jyugo walks ahead of us and picks up something shiny from the ground. "Did you find something shiny boy?" Uno questioned.

"This belongs to Hajime, doesn't it?" Jyugo showed us.

"Yeah, you're right." Nico said.

"So then what's it doing here?" Liang asked.

"Hajime was caught on the surface last, I saw." Jyugo said.

"We might as well keep moving." Upa suggested.

"Sure but we shouldn't go for the surface." Uno said.

"Huh why not? I thought it wasn't safe to stay down here!" Nico said.

"Don't be stupid the most well guarded part of any prison is right at the exit. Everyone knows that and once they find out. We've escaped they'll concentrate even more security around the exits." Uno said.

"I suppose you have a point." Upa said.

"Look even if we do make it outside, what happens after that? Regardless of our reasons will still be treated as escapes. They probably still extend our terms." Uno said.

"You're right and that would impose a considerable burden on, Samon." Liang said.

"Okay, so what should we do? Just hang tight here?" Nico asked.

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