Chapter 13

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Y/n's pov;
~A couple of days later~

"Y/n!!!! Come on wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!" Someone yelled, while shaking me violently.

I yawned. "Okay, okay I'm up what?".I slowly turn onto my back.

"Me and Rock are getting our prizes remember. So open your eyes already!" They shouted. I slowly open my eyes and saw Nico smiling down at me. I turned my head towards the clock on the wall.

"Nico, it's 6;50 in the morning I'm surprised you're the first one up." I said.

"I'm way to excited to sleep!" He said.

"And yet you don't wake the others up but me." I say, while looking over at our other cellmates still asleep.

"I tried but they hit me with pillows." He said.

"Oh did they now." I get up out of bed and grabbed my pillow. I go over to them and hit them with my pillow causing them to bolt up quickly.

"Y/n, what the hell was that for?!" Jyugo asked, while rubbing his eye.

"If I get woken up by Nico then you're going to get woken up too." I say, before my cellmates whined about it."Guys, Nico and Rock are getting their prizes today.".

Rock gasps "The stone oven.".

"You still planning on requesting Liang to lunch later?" I asked.

"Sure am!" Rock said. We hear footsteps coming down the halls until it stops in front of our cell.

"Cell 13 wake up." Hajime said.

"We're already awake  Hajime." I said.

"Wait really? That's a first." Hajime said.

"Nico, woke me up then I woke the others up." I said.

"Good enough for me." Hajime said, before he did our roll call and let us get ready for the day.

"I'll get to see Mia tomorrow. I haven't seen my sister, since I got arrested and my court trail. So I can't wait to catch up with her." I thought.

"Hey don't hog the sink, Uno!" Jyugo said.

"Just give me a second, I need to wash my handsome face first!" Uno said.

"What a great way to start the morning." I thought.

~Timeskips to lunch at the cafeteria~

"You sure he'll be coming Rock?" I asked, while we waited patiently.

"I mean I requested him to come to our building. He'll show up out of his curiosity." Rock said, before we see Liang and Inori walk in. "Liang over here!". While waving him over to our table. "Hi!".

"What do you want?" Liang askd.

"Come on sit down then I'll show you why I wanted you here." Rock said.

Liang sighed and sat down. "Fine,".

"Here," Rock says, while offering him a slice of pizza. "Give it a taste.".

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