(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑) the sorting

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ATHENA FOLLOWED HER SISTER DOWN THE HALLS as fast as she could. Without realising what time it had been, Athena now knew that the sorting would start any minute which also meant that Harry was here. He was somewhere in the castle.

The two sisters passed a group of ghosts who seemed to be having an argument about whether Peeves should be allowed at the sorting ceremony. Athena really hoped they would decide that he wasn't allowed. Peeves caused nothing short of chaos wherever he went.

Pacing past the entrance hall (knowing that the first years would be arriving across the lake any moment now) Athena and Aurora walked straight into the great hall to see that it was filling up. Evidently Athena had been late without realising which wasn't a surprise. She found it very hard to get to places on time.

They walked through the middle of the tables and Athena found herself smiling at people as she passed. The Weasley twins waved at her enthusiastically and she returned this gesture. Fred and George were the spitting image of Gideon and Fabian, in fact they were like them in many ways. Athena knew that the Prewett twins would be incredibly proud.

As she walked past the Hufflepuff table she saw Rosie Hartland smiling at her, she smiled back and turned to see a small red head sitting surrounded by a group of people. The girl was looking at her hands as people comforted her. It only took Athena a moment to realise that this was Alina Peters.

She taught a lot of students however she was usually very good was names. She gave the redhead a look of sympathy before her and her sister made it to the teachers table.

Athena took her seat beside Snape who didn't look up. Since she was in this castle a lot, teachers were usually the people that she talked to. However the two her age were Snape and Trelawney.

Unfortunately, Trelawney refused to attend the larger meals as she said the energy was too strong for her to deal with. Aurora liked to pretend she was professional and therefore had more conversations with McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick (who although Athena respected didn't want to be gossiping with).

Unfortunately this meant that usually in her times of boredom, she would find herself talking with the potions Professor. He was an irritant but sometimes she could deal with it just so she didn't have to be on her own.

Snape didn't look up at her as she took her seat, he was too busy glaring at the new defence against the dark arts teacher. Athena hadn't met this man yet but she could tell that he was very nervous.

"What's his name?" Athena muttered to Snape,

"Quirinus Quirrell" Snape replied,

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