(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟎) seeing him go

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NEWS OF REMUS spread like wildfire. By the afternoon everyone knew. Remus had already packed his bags, nothing that Athena could say had persuaded him otherwise. There was only a week left of school and he couldn't even stay for that.

He was evidently scared of the reactions he was going to receive and Athena couldn't blame him. After years of growing up conditioned to believe that he was a monster it was no wonder that he'd listened.

Snape seemed triumphant, walking around sneering at everyone. He'd gotten his way, finally ridding the castle of Remus. Athena had never felt such hatred in a very long time. Snape had soared to the top of her list in a few weeks and he wouldn't be coming down anytime soon.

She'd seen him in the corridor that very day. Athena had been looking for him, she wanted to let him not exactly how she felt. And she had. How?

By punching him in the face.

It had been a very good feeling and Athena would do it again if she wasn't scared of losing her job. Many of the students around had laughed and Athena was glad. She'd never seen Snape so furious.

However this didn't change anything. Remus would still be leaving and nothing would change that. By the afternoon, she found herself walking back to his office knowing she'd have to say goodbye.

This wasn't how she wanted this to go. Athena had seen him leave before without realising and now with the knowledge that he was going, Athena felt even worse. Yet again he was slipping through her fingers. If only they had more time.

As Athena approached the office, she saw Eleanor Lupin walking out. She seemed upset with red rimmed eyes and a low hanging head.

"Everything ok?" Athena asked with a frown.

"I just wish he didn't have to go" Elle replied, "I wish he didn't have to leave because of what everyone says about him"

"I know" Athena smiled sadly, "I wish he didn't have to leave either"

Elle walked away with a small smile as Athena walked up the stairs into Remus' office. He was still picking things up, his office looking more bare than ever now everything was in boxes.

"You're back" he stated.

"I am, didn't want you to go without saying goodbye" Athena sighed, sitting on the edge of the desk, "are you sure about this?"

"I am" Remus nodded.

Athena was going to say something else when the office door swung open again.

She looked up to see Harry who was staring at the both of them in almost devastation. Athena supposed that he had learned the news that Remus was leaving.

"I saw you coming," said Remus, pointing to the map which Athena noticed was open on the desk

"I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?"

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