(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐) flying ford anglia

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ATHENA COULDN'T SEE HARRY AS SHE looked out over the great hall. She had spotted Hermione sitting next to Neville, Dean and Seamus. They were talking avidly about something. The other Weasleys were there too. The twins were sat having a sword fight with their wands. Percy was watching this scene very pointedly as he polished his prefect badge.

Harry and Ron were definitely supposed to be here by now, after all, everyone else was piling into the hall from the carriages and Athena was sure that they would have sat with Hermione on the train.

She didn't get much time to worry about this as a second later, Dumbledore stood up from his seat to address the hall.

"Welcome or welcome back!" He called, "to another year of Hogwarts!"

Everyone clapped happily as the double doors opened. The first years were all walking in looking anxious and scared.

Athena spotted the flaming red hair of Ginny Weasley immediately. She looked over to the Gryffindor table hopefully. Her brothers were shooting her encouraging smiles and thumbs up. The youngest Weasley was near the back of the queue next to a small girl with light blonde hair.

"May the sorting begin!" Dumbledore continued as the old hat was placed onto the wooden stool. It shook itself off before bursting into song. Athena drifted slightly as it read out its regular rhyme.

Her eyes skated over the teachers table, Snape wasn't sat next to her this year and instead had been placed right next to the new defence against the dark arts professor (Athena was sure he wouldn't be happy about that).

Gilderoy Lockhart was looking upon the scene of the sorting hat with a large grin. He had perfectly curled golden hair and shining white teeth. By most in the wizarding world, he was considered very attractive. His robes were silk without any creases. He clapped the loudest when the hat stopped singing which jolted Athena back to reality.

One by one, the small students took their seats on the chair as their names were called out. Collin Creevey became the first Gryffindor and the red and gold table erupted into cheers.

Luna Lovegood was the first Ravenclaw, the dreamy small blonde had been standing next to Ginny. She now skipped off towards the blue clad table happily with a dazed look in her eyes.

Ginny was the last to be sorted, she looked more scared than ever with her small fingers crossed next to her sides. The hat was placed on her head and in a few seconds her fate had been called out.


The table broke into more cheers, the twins looked completely ecstatic. Ginny beamed as she took the hat off and rushed off over to the table. She sat next to the twins who were telling everyone that Ginny was their sister even though it was very obvious.

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