(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎) the hospital wing

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DUMBLEDORE HAD ALWAYS BEEN IN CONTROL. He was a master manipulator and he'd always had a plan. Athena believed he'd known everything that was going to happen. She believed even beyond the grave that he still knew more than anyone else.

Of course her and Snape had been passed the mantle of secrecy. She wanted to burn this last amendment with all the fiery rage inside of her.

Snape would be the one to manipulate the war now Albus was dead. Not Athena. She couldn't lie to Harry and even if she could, Athena would rather it were her lying at the bottom of that tower rather than her continuing the legacy of the man she despised.

Her head was spinning when she opened her eyes. Barely any time had passed. Athena had known that. She'd reached a level of mental exhaustion from the panic of Snape getting away and Harry trying to curse him. Athena had cursed him herself. Even that felt like hours ago. Since seeing Dumbledore lying at the bottom of that tower, time has started to race.

"Rena?" Remus asked in a panic, "are you alright? What's going on?"

"Sorry" Athena muttered as she sat up in the hospital wing bed and rubbed her hands over her face, "sorry I didn't mean to faint on you all"

"It's alright dear, here drink this" Madame Pomfrey handed her a small goblet of potion. From the tangy scent, Athena guessed it was pepper-up potion. She took it gratefully and downed it in one, feeling the warmth rush through her. It was greatly needed.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asked quickly, "you went off chasing him didn't you?"

Athena looked around. Everyone was there. Even Hermione and Luna who she hadn't seen under the astronomy tower. There were only three other beds taken up. Half of Bill's face was covered in blood. It was quite sickening to look at. The gashes cut deep and the man lay unconscious devoid of any colour.

Aurora still had her eyes closed lying in the bed closest to Athena. She wasn't sure what was wrong with her but she didn't want to ask. Somehow she feared it would be bad news even if her only physical injury was a scratch on her cheek.

The other bed was taken by Fillius Flitwick. Athena wasn't sure what had happened to him. Yet again, she hadn't seen him at the fight.

"Rena, where's Harry?" Before she could answer the question, the large double doors to the hospital wing opened and in walked Harry followed closely by Ginny who was clutching his hand.

Everyone turned to stare at him in wonder. He looked suddenly older and Athena knew it was because he had yet again been forced to grow up. No sixteen year old should be subjected to so much. Tonight he'd lost another mentor, a father figure, someone to look out for him. Athena had often wanted to tell Harry the truth about Dumbledore since she despised him so much but now she knew that wouldn't be fair. Although she hated it, Harry had idolised him.

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