(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟏) hermione and penelope

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THE FEAR OVER ALICIA'S ATTACK was distracted by the upcoming quidditch game. The weather was beautiful on that Saturday. The sun was shining bright, lighting the grass and casting a haze of rainbow light over the goal hoops. The sky was a perfect blue and it deeply contrasted against the mood of the school.

Athena had been spending most of her free time working as a detective. Her mind couldn't be distracted by quidditch games as easily as everyone else's could and she found herself jotting down the facts of each attack, trying to figure out any connection that she could see.

One of the main things that she noticed was the peculiarities of how they were found. For example, Colin with his camera, Alicia beside the mirror, Justin with the ghost of Sir Nicholas and Mrs Norris next to a corridor flooded with water.

Athena wondered whether this had any relevance to much at all. It certainly felt odd, as though all of the victims of the petrifaction had seen the monster through something rather than looking at it directly. It posed the question, what would happen if they hadn't?

However, Athena knew that Harry wouldn't be best pleased if she didn't show up to his quidditch game. It wasn't as though she wanted to miss it. She loved watching Harry excel at something he was good at. She loved watching the matches in general, it was a source of entertainment in her rather boring occupation.

Therefore, she left her position in her office and strolled out into the empty corridor. Everyone in the school was out enjoying the weather, probably down at the quidditch stands early to get a good seat or just to enjoy the feeling of sunlight while it lasted.

Athena paced down a set of stairs and was about to round a corner when she noticed something peculiar sticking out from behind the wall. The first thing she  saw was a mirror reflecting a wide open eye. The hand grasping it seemed stiff as though of a wax figure and Athena got the immediate gutting feeling that she knew what had happened.

Dashing around the corner, she saw an absolutely horrific sight. Two students standing petrified but not just that. One of the students was none other than Hermione granger. Athena gasped out in shock, her legs suddenly becoming very faint as her head darted around for any sign of explanation.

The mirror was clutched in her hand, behind her stood Penelope Clearwater, a sixth year prefect. She had her head lowered over Hermione's shoulder so she could see in the mirror.

Athena did find the reflective surface rather peculiar. After all of the other connections that she had made, this simply added to her conclusion. She presumed that Hermione must have figured something out, something that Athena was yet to realise.

Hearing running footsteps, she turned to see Professor McGonagall striding towards the scene.

"Late for the match—"

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