(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟒) the triwizard tournament

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"I WISH YOU COULD COME BACK WITH ME" Athena sighed as she kissed Remus for what must have been the fifth time in the last few minutes.

"You know I can't" he replied with a sad smile. The summer had been bittersweet. On one hand, it had been the best summer that Athena had experienced in years. She couldn't remember being this happy for ages and often if was overpowering to the point where she couldn't even hide her smile anymore. An infectious energy that had passes on to Remus too. It was fair to say that they brought out the best in each other.

However, Athena had known that by the end of August they wouldn't be able to spend everyday together anymore. It wasn't like the seventies where she had to be by his side all the time. Athena had grown a sense of independence that didn't require the support of Remus.

Nevertheless, she didn't want this happiness to die down, replaced by the boring routines of the school which didn't seem so exciting anymore. Athena had vowed that she would see Remus whenever she wanted. It wasn't as though she had as much to do as the other teachers.

It still felt upsetting, standing beside the fire for a final goodbye. Athena stared into his eyes and remembered the swirling colours of green and brown. The way his pupils grew in size when his vision lay upon her.

"I'll see you in a week" Remus pointed out as he placed another kiss on her cheek. As he did, his eyes skated over her shoulder slightly to spot something glinting on the mantle piece, highlighted by the ever glowing august light.

"Is that what I think it is?" Remus laughed as he moved away from Athena and picked up the object from the stone.

Athena turned in confusion until she saw the golden locket sitting in Remus' palm. She'd forgotten it was there, something she'd once worn without fail all of the time. Her hand had wrapped around it more times than she could remember, always dying to know whether the charmed heart inside was still beating.

"I forgot it was there" Athena smiled lightly as she took it from him. The locket didn't feel weighted in her palm. It was surprisingly light. The metal was cold from lack of contact however as Athena closed her hand around it she could feel exactly what she imagined. The rhythmic beating of Remus' heart.

She smiled wider at this as she reached her hands behind her neck and clasped the detailed necklace together so it lay perfectly on her chest.

"Beautiful" Remus murmured as he moved his touch over it.

"You'll be ok?" Athena asked.

"Of course I will" Remus nodded as he pulled Athena in for another kiss, "I'll miss you though"

"Yeah you better" Athena scoffed as she moved away from him again. Maybe only a week would pass until she saw him again but she made note of exactly how he looked in this moment, how the light danced on his face, how his eyes held so much love and the way that his smile was relaxed simply by her presence.

𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 | Remus Lupin (2)Where stories live. Discover now