(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟖) dragon ?

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ATHENA WAS SOUND ASLEEP feeling rather peaceful when there was a loud and abrupt sound of knocking at the office door. She could hear it from up the stairs where her cramped room was located. Immediately she got the impression that something must be wrong, jumping out of bed she pulled on her silken dressing gown as she hurried into the office.

The door to Aurora's room opened abruptly and Athena saw her there standing looking very unimpressed. Her hair was neatly placed under her bonnet and there was a sleeping mask lying haphazardly on her forehead.

"I'll get it" Athena muttered as she opened the door to her office. There she found a very distressed looking Neville. He was red in the face as though he had been running and was practically jumping up and down on the spot in worry.

"Neville?" Athena gasped, "what's happened, who's hurt? What's wrong?"

"I heard Draco talking— said Harry had a dragon! He's trying to get Harry into trouble! I tried to warn him but I can't find him!"

"Neville slow down" Athena sighed, "did you just say that Harry had a dragon?"

"Yes!" Neville nodded, "that's what Malfoy said!"

"Neville, did you not think that Malfoy might be lying?"

"Harry isn't in bed!" Neville continued, his panic was evident and Athena couldn't exactly leave him.

"Ok come with me Neville, we'll find out what's going on" Athena smiled, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Aurora had disappeared back into her room at this point looking disgruntled. Athena took Neville's hand as they left the office and started to pace down the very cold corridors.

"I think I should wake Minerva, if students are really out of bed" Athena frowned, "do you know where they are Neville?"

"No" he shook his head, "I heard Draco talking before but I don't know where about he went"

"Right" Athena muttered, "you said that Harry was out of bed?"


"I specifically told him to stay out of trouble!" Athena exclaimed in an annoyed whisper, "sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall"

Athena paced down the corridor until she found McGonagall's office door.

"Am I going to get in trouble?" Neville asked quietly,

"I'm not sure Neville, technically you're breaking rules for being out of bed and before you say anything I know it's for good reason"

She knocked abruptly three times on the transfiguration professors door and the two of them stood for a moment before the door flew open. McGonagall stood in her tartan dressing gown and hairnet looking as professional as she always did despite the hour.

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