(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟏) the boy who lived

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ATHENA WALKED INTO THE HALL shakily. As death had hit her, life suddenly felt all the more real. As though she could hear better than ever, see clearer than she ever had and feel the air around her to new levels.

The hall was the same as how she had left it considering that was merely ten minutes ago. She couldn't believe barely any time had passed. Surely something had happened as she'd been lying on the floor of Dumbledore's office.

But the war had waited for her just as Athena always knew it would have done. She looked over the bodies lain over the floor and yet again felt excessive remorse even though she'd known already that the number was great.

No one looked up at first. Athena walked like a ghost through the crowd. For a moment she considered that she might be a ghost. After all, the events of her last hour had been confusing, more like a dream than anything. However even now, she knew that it had been real.

Her fear was righted a moment later when Remus looked up from his seat across the hall. He looked completely broken, stains of tears over his face. His eyes were dark and he leant forwards as though weighed down by the events of the war.

For a moment his face reflected Athena's when she had seen her own friends. As though he were looking straight at a mirage rather than a living, breathing person.

Athena walked forwards as fast as she could. She wanted to apologise endlessly for ever trying to leave him. She wanted to explain why she'd done what she'd done even if he already knew. Most of all she wanted to say how much she loved him, how much she appreciated him. Remus was the most important person in the world to her, she just wanted him to know that.

"Rena" he gasped as she ran over, "you're... here"

Athena didn't waste time with words as she wrapped her arms round his neck and pulled him tight to her. She couldn't count how many times she'd cried in this last hour but in this moment she didn't care. She let the tears of relief fall as she buried her head into his shoulder. She felt like never letting him go, the idea that an hour ago she'd decided to leave him was insane. How could she ever leave him when she loved him this much?

"Please don't leave me" Remus murmured, "I can't take it"

"I'm not going anywhere" Athena replied as she pulled away, placing her hands on the side of his face as she stared at him. "I'm so sorry that I ever tried to leave. I didn't want to go...I didn't want to leave you. I felt I had no other choice"

"What happened?" He asked, trying his best to keep it together.

"I can't die... until the end of the war" Athena explained, "I... went to a gateway... a place between life and death. I saw Aurora... and Marlene... and Dorcas... and Sirius and Lily and James"

"Was it real?" Remus asked in hope and amazement.

"They were real" Athena nodded, "it was... incredible. I couldn't believe I was seeing them again, all of them. I didn't realise how much I missed them all"

𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 | Remus Lupin (2)Where stories live. Discover now