(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) ring and string

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"HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" Remus asked as he walked into the bedroom holding a mug of tea in his hand. Athena had been lying back reading the book 'Moby Dick'. She'd been whispering the words as though the baby could hear her although in reality she doubted that was the case.

"I'm alright" Athena smiled as she propped herself up, "I've been dying for some tea" she added as she reached towards the mug.

"Oh that was for me" Remus frowned, "but... you can have it"

Athena laughed as she took the mug, took a small sip and handed it back to him. Moving over on the bed, she patted the space beside her and was happy when Remus sat down and leant back against the headboard.

"How are you feeling?" Athena asked Remus.

"I'm good" he nodded, "I was thinking about Harry. Everything in this war is relying on him. That's a lot of pressure don't you think? For a seventeen year old boy"

"Way too much pressure" Athena agreed, "I think it was always going to be like that. From the moment Harry was born the price of war was on his head. We always knew there would come a time where he would have to make some sacrifices. I just wish things could be different"

"I'd take his place if I could" Remus murmured, "it isn't fair"

"No it isn't" Athena sighed, "things would be different, if Lily and James were here. They wouldn't have let this happen"

"They wouldn't have had a choice" Remus pointed out, "you tried to stop this Rena, you did everything you could to keep Harry safe"

"It wasn't enough" said Athena bitterly.

"No but it will be" Remus replied encouragingly, "Harry is stronger than we know and he isn't alone. He has Ron and Hermione with him, they've always been great friends to Harry. I feel better knowing that they're there"

"Me too" Athena mumbled.

"Anyway" Remus straightened up, "I was reading one of those parenting books and I came across something that sounded interesting"

"Did you?" Athena raised her eyebrows in surprise, "those things didn't look interesting to me"

"Yes well, according to the book. If you get a piece of string, place a ring through it and hold it above your stomach, the way it swings will predict the gender of the child"

"Remus" Athena laughed, "that's a myth, everyone says that but I'm pretty sure it's just an old wives tale. It's the breeze that moves the string or your own hand, not the gender of the baby"

"We live in a world of magic where you can literally see into the future and fly but this is too hard for you to believe?"

"You make a fair point" Athena shrugged, "though I'm still not convinced"

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