(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟐) an old memory

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"THE DRAGONS ARE ALL OK" said Dominique as she entered the room looking out of breath and more burnt than she had been before.

"What about the eggs?" Aurora asked.

"They should be ok" Dominique replied, taking a seat on the sofa next to her wife.

Athena was still replaying all of events in her mind. She didn't want to say that she was surprised by how well Harry had done because that would suggest she hadn't had faith in him to compete as well as the other champions.

However, even though Athena had now been proved wrong, her initial thought had been that Harry wouldn't possibly be up for as good of a chance for the triwizard cup in comparison to the older and more experienced champions.

She still couldn't believe how wrong she had been. Harry had tied with Krum which a lot of people didn't agree with. In Athena's mind, Krum hadn't done the best. Sure he was the only one to not injure himself however along that way he managed to get all of the eggs trampled by his dragon (which Dominique was still furious about).

It seemed that even the Hogwarts supporters who had been against Harry competing previously were cheering for him now. Maybe this was simply because Cedric came last place and they needed some hope that their school may be in for a chance of winning, or maybe it was because they now realised that Harry actually had it in him to win.

Athena supposed they'd be waiting until the next task to see how this levelled up. She believed that Cedric was still in for a high chance. His spell work had been great in the first task, the problem was that the dragon was more cunning than he had expected.

Even so, it was evident that he had a a lot of knowledge which would certainly help him out in the last two tasks. Athena did believe this but there was no doubt who she remained rooting for.

Harry had defied many expectations that day and shown to many people that he did have what it took to be a champion. Athena still wasn't happy that he had become a champion, after all he was still far too young and in way too much danger but she definitely liked this result better than she would have liked his failure.

The next task wasn't until the following term. Probably around February time but no one had given an exact date yet, at least not to her. Athena was glad for the gap, it would give her plenty of time to relax without her mind spinning about what could happen to Harry in these trials.

Life wasn't exactly going back to normal over the next few months however. The triwizard tournament brought danger however there were also perks of having it. One of these perks included the Yule Ball which would be taking place around Christmas time.

Athena was excited to see everyone having fun for once. There were parties at Hogwarts quite a lot (which she remembered from her own student days) but as these all took place in the common rooms usually behind teachers backs, Athena couldn't exactly find any enjoyment out of them.

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