~A Christmas Special~

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(A/N: As promised this is a special chapter for the Christmas holiday. Sorry for the delay)

As the holiday comes, many people are going out to look for things to gift to their special ones. Many bakeries open up to ready their sweets for the holiday. Families are decorating for the festive season, and friends laughing together.

As the snow falls, two people are cleaning their apartment to decorate it later to match the holiday. As they are busy cleaning and decorating, they forgot to know that it's already past lunch time as they just continue to work merrily.

As the young womans stomach grumble, she look at her lover flustered while he laughs at her.

Walking towards the kitchen Todoroki cook lunch for him and Yaoyorozu as he also feels famished.

Cooking while humming, Yaoyorozu couldn't stop thinking how lucky can she be that she got the Todoroki Shoto.

While looking at him with loving eyes, she can't help but to think about the surprise for later.

"Momo is everything alright?" ask Todoroki as he found Yaoyorozu looking intently at the table.

Upon hearing his voice, she looks up at him and says that she's alright.

Finishing their lunch, they go back to work.

As the time passes by, the world got darker and colder.

Looking out at the window, Yaoyorozu suddenly have a craving for hot chocolate.

Looking around the room with festive decorations, she smiles happily as she skips towards the kitchen to make hot chocolates for her and Todoroki.

Todoroki silently watch Yaoyorozu with such adoration that if Bakugo sees him, he will go ballistic.

Finishing to make the hot chocolates, Yaoyorozu bring it to the coffee table where Todoroki sits.

Giving him the other cup as she sits besides him, she can't help but admire on what her life becomes to be.

Deciding to drop the bomb, she begins to talk.

"Ne Shoto, what do you think of a baby?" she ask she looks at him intently.

"A baby? What's with the sudden question?" Todoroki says as he looks at her.

"I don't know, it suddenly comes in me. Humor me then" she dodges the question easily as she can't help be feel nervous.

"Hmmm, having a baby is a very hard job to do as I don't have any experience in it. Aside from that, they're annoying" Todoroki says with a nonchalant face.

Hearing his answer, Yaoyorozu couldn't help but to feel sad.

Noticing her expression, he thought hard and says,

"But if you having my baby then it would be the most fantastic gift that God will give me, aside from having you already." Todoroki said it with a warm smile in his face.

Hearing in what Todoroki said, Yaoyorozu smiles brightly and stood up to walk towards their room.

Picking up the stick, she happily walks back to Todoroki and give him the stick.

Looking at Yaoyorozu with a question face, he slowly looks down at his hand and to his astonishment its a pregnancy stick with a double line stating a positive result.

Looking at Yaoyorozu with a shock expression, he couldn't help but to cry with giddiness as he stood up and hug Yaoyorozu tightly.

"Thank you"

Is what he uttered as the both of them laugh while crying with happiness.

What a wonderful surprise it is.

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