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The fresh Class A graduates held the party at the Yaoyorozu mansion as it held a lot of space than the other clubs can offer.

The patriarch of the mansion gladly offers their abode to please his only daughter as he can see that her classmates is one of the reasons why his daughter stands out.

But he give one rule, and the only rule that the young adults should follow.

'Don't let Momo drink a lot of alcohol'

The students automatically thinks that the patriarch is just protective to his only daughter, so they just take it lightly. Not knowingly that Momo can't hold her liquor well.

The patriarch leave his mansion at ease, thinking that the young adults would obey his rule. And trust that his daughter would think rationally.

The class then have a blast, innocent and childish party----


The class A is faaar from the innocent and childish party, the mansion is feld by loud party music, disco lights, snacks, and of course alcohol.

The former class president couldn't do anything within his power because it is voted majority. Even the so innocent Deku couldn't do anything.

"Kaminari don't stand in the table! Jirou volume down the music! Kirishima no!" nag Iida as the whole class is getting wild.

Yaoyorozu just stand there flabbergasted at the actions of her classmates.

"Tss, now you see why I fucking told you that this isn't a great idea ponytail. The fuckers are wild, now their getting wilder. Do you really think that the sane ones can calm them down? Stupid" snark Bakugo at Yaoyorozu.

Despite his choice of wordings, Yaoyorozu actually regreted why did she allow to have a 'party'.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Bakugo-san, I thought that they just want to have fun. Didn't acknowledge that this is the kind of fun they wanted" Yaoyorozu said.

"It's ok Yaoyorozu-san, we'll help you clean this mess" Inserted Izuku.

" *sigh* this really is a mess isn't it? Ribbit" sighed Tsuyu.

"Let's just hope that after these, we can finally rest" Todoroki suddenly talk in their back making the girls jump a little.

"Fuckers, making us do their aftermath" grumbled Bakugo.

After their talk, they just watch silently and of course drinking too.

Yaoyorozu due to her worrying about her classmates, she keep drinking and drinking and drinking. Forgetting her father's rule.

Bakugo who remembers and saw Yaoyorozu drinking her third glass of alcohol have a very irritated face that he can get.

"Fuck ponytail! Did you just forget your father's rule?!" shouted Bakugo

"I'm fine Baku *hic* go-san, I can manage *hic*" Yaoyorozu says with hiccups.

Tsuyu, worried about Yaoyorozu's state, handed her a glass of water to cool down.

But due to her drunkiness (is that even a word?) she just spill the water into her dress and stick into her bra.

Now worried, Tsuyu volunteered to bring Yaoyorozu into her room to ease up. But due to their height differences, Todoroki end up the one who lead Yaoyorozu into her room.

'*sigh* and when I think that she can handle this simple problem without stressing too much'    Todoroki said in his head. Wondering why on Earth did Yaoyorozu made a simple mistake by drinking alcohol when she can't handle her liquor.

Upon arriving in her room, he gently lay her down in her bed and cover her with her soft blanket that smells just like her  - vanilla with strawberry scent -

But when he stood up and ready to leave, her hands suddenly latch into his arm with an iron grip. Stating that she needs company.

"Todoroki-kun, please stay with me for a while" Yaoyorozu pleaded.

Relaxing himself, he lay down besides her and caress her hair until her breath relaxes.

Yaoyorozu lays in his arms and hug him tightly, afraid that after this he'll go back in the party.

"If I didn't know you better, I thought that you planned this just to escape the party and cuddle with me" Todoroki suddenly breaks the silence with a hint of tease in his husky voice.

Yaoyorozu giggled as he guess correctly.

"Hmm, I just thought that I can have a cuddle with my fiancée no?" added Yaoyorozu after her giggles.

Both of them relaxes and succumb in their slumber.

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